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 Maverick Signings

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
n/a Posted - 04/10/2007 : 11:46:55 AM
Has anyone heard anything about a company called Maverick Signings? According to their website, they need notaries to do signings for out of town notarizing when people buy cars and are not in the area. They also want to charge a fee for specific training on notarizing these types of documents.

Patricia Bailey
23   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lee-AR Posted - 10/15/2018 : 04:00:40 AM
Like many other hiring parties, they, too, are attempting to lower fees. I recently dealt direct with a dealership as it was a win/win for both of us--I was paid $125 and they saved $70. (Do the math!) In the past, Maverick has paid me more than the $70 they are now pushing hard...mostly in the $75 to $150 range. These higher fees are, of course, mileage & travel time related. All I'm saying is: NEGOTIATE!
Don't just accept what is offered or we'll soon be seeing $60, $50...how low will YOU go.

If you don't value your time and experience, nobody else will.
betty1957 Posted - 10/08/2018 : 11:32:22 AM
I love Maverick! They know that when I call a local auto purchase signer that I tell them where my DH's Law office is--we are in a Municipal Center with several conference rooms available--and they come to me. If you have not worked for them before, it is a flat fee of $70

betty j. dedman
ALNOTARY Posted - 03/15/2013 : 12:44:37 PM
I love working with PJ at Maverick, he is just a great guy! I have done auto and refi's with them and have never had any issues. The fees are reasonable and prompt. They always answer the phones and reply to emails!

soni.weiss Posted - 10/10/2012 : 5:22:15 PM
I am new and mostly I get last minute phone calls. I got a call from them on Fri for a closing on Mon. Check came with in 30 days. No fee or training was discussed with me.

Soni Mae
mwaaskew Posted - 09/24/2012 : 7:52:51 PM
Yes I have heard of this company. They want you to study the book. I never done a signing for them at all I do not remember what I have learned from them because I never done a signing for them.

Paula M. Felder
TexasRose Posted - 09/24/2012 : 11:33:49 AM
I have been conducting signings for Maverick for quite some time they are on time with payment, pay a fair fee and the people I am in contact with at Maverick are all very nice to deal with. Signings always seem to go very well, and one maybe two docs to notarize. Happy with them

Go Fer You Mobile Notary - TX
TGS1985 Posted - 07/23/2012 : 1:19:00 PM
I was contacted by Maverick last Thursday. Having read the recent reviews I decided I still give them a chance as my past experiences with them have been good. They were offering the same price they did a year ago, however I never received the docs. I made sure to confirm my mailing address with them before the sent the docs via FedEx. Last I heard was that they were waiting to hear back from the dealership on the status of the docs.

Even if this signing ends up a no go, its no real inconvenience to me as the there was no edocs, so no wasted printing and the signing time was open, so didn't have to cancel any other signings. And they certainly HAVE NOT blame me for the issues with the docs.

EDIT: Of course as soon as I post this the documents arrive. Signing seemed normal for Maverick standards. Only thing that could negatively affect is if Maverick fails to pay me on time which they never have in the past nor do I sense will be the case this time.

EDIT 8/21/2012: Payment received, ahead of schedule. Maverick still seems to be on the up and up to me.

- Tyler Soares -
Notary Public, Loan Signing Agent & Insurance Broker.
paulcr Posted - 07/20/2012 : 8:13:34 PM
Well I was very plesantly surprised today with Maverick. After a very unplesant exchange with this over late fees - a policy I have that they have always been aware of - and essentially "fired" when finally charging them a late fee, I recieved a check today for the late fee. The explination on the check stub stated "Good Will." Perhaps after 2 weeks of contemplating how they treated me, and realizing that I made my payment polices clear from the start, and even waived a previous late fee, the person who reacted so unkindly/unprofessional had a change of heart and that was their way of attempting to repair the relationship. This would actually be more in character with thier past behaivor than the most recent experience. Or it could simply be that they realized I am the only one in the area who will do thier signings.

But I was quite shocked to see the check in today's mail! :)

Originally posted by paulcr

It is possible they are heading for financial trouble as anytime $$ is brought up they are cutting off notaries. The postings here aren't the first I've heard of it. I've had several of my notary friends tell me similar stories. The sad thing is where they used to be quite professional and polite they have turned extremely rude. My advice is if there is potential financial trouble keep an eye out on your outstanding fees and don't let them get behind.

Originally posted by edelske

Did several of these a few years ago. Things were going fine, including the payments. However, on the last one I did they reduced my fee by 5$. I called them on that and they sent me the 5$, and never called again.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting

paulcr Posted - 07/03/2012 : 8:25:36 PM
It is possible they are heading for financial trouble as anytime $$ is brought up they are cutting off notaries. The postings here aren't the first I've heard of it. I've had several of my notary friends tell me similar stories. The sad thing is where they used to be quite professional and polite they have turned extremely rude. My advice is if there is potential financial trouble keep an eye out on your outstanding fees and don't let them get behind.

Originally posted by edelske

Did several of these a few years ago. Things were going fine, including the payments. However, on the last one I did they reduced my fee by 5$. I called them on that and they sent me the 5$, and never called again.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting

edelske Posted - 07/03/2012 : 7:49:01 PM
Did several of these a few years ago. Things were going fine, including the payments. However, on the last one I did they reduced my fee by 5$. I called them on that and they sent me the 5$, and never called again.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
paulcr Posted - 07/03/2012 : 1:02:08 PM
Maverick has been a good easy gig in the past. However, they have issues with getting their documents FedEx'd to you....not that big of a deal. However, when they pay late, which they do, and are charged the late fee they agreed to (even when you give them a first time pass) instead of the accounts payable department having a discussion about it they will just tell you your notary services are no longer needed. A company that will not take the time to discuss policies they ageed to sometime ago that may need to be renegotiated raises flags with me in terms of if they are also potentially going outside the boundries of ethic and legal issues. So if you do work with them these days watch them carefully.
directnotary Posted - 05/12/2010 : 8:10:45 PM
I have been doing auto dealership packages for Maverick Signings for a few years now. They are very simple to do; only one document to notarize. Very easy! Maverick has always paid a fair fee in a reasonable amount of time. I wish they would call me more!

LawDog Posted - 09/16/2009 : 09:18:03 AM
Yeah, Renee - you're right about Maverick. They have been around for awhile. The only reason I chimed in at all is because there was some recent conversation about them, and I too had "accidentally" run across their website, which prompted me to discuss it with my dealership friends.

Interestingly Maverick's claim to be "Red Flag" compliant is rather superflous. Signing Agents and Notaries, under FACTA, according to the FTC, must only comply with "best practices", which they have to do anyway.

That's a lot like saying your product is "New and Improved", as if the former wasn't worth what your customer was paying for it.

I also found it interesting that FACTA was passed into law in 2003, and the FTC struggled with changes so many times, it was finally given MANDATORY compliance as of August 1, 2009. (Not sure which MANDATORY final date this was - there were several before that.)

I've emailed Maverick twice in two days, asking them why they would charge for "training" that isn't necessary, and still solicit Mobile Notaries to conduct these signings without requiring the training in the first place. No answer.
Renee Posted - 09/15/2009 : 2:16:28 PM
Excellent information, Lawdog - thanks so much for being so informative, concise and descriptive.

The only thing I might point out is that the forums first starting talking about Maverick and these automotive deals in Jan 2007 - so they've been doing this a while. I did do an automotive deal a couple years ago, it was certainly not 'rocket surgery' but it wasn't through Maverick. Must be other deals like this floating around here and there, too?
LawDog Posted - 09/15/2009 : 12:09:39 PM
I have a friend who owns a dealership as well as a friend who is his top sales person and runs their internet sales. They both tell me that this is a new venue for auto sales, both new and used. Typically, there is no required training, as all the paperwork is completed by the Finance Manager and all documents needing signatures are marked clearly. All suplemental finance/insurance options that must be accepted or declined are already determined before the paperwork is printed up - the customer merely needs to sign/initial as indicated on the originals that the Notary presents.

In rare circumstances, the Mobile Notary is paid (much) extra to actually deliver the vehicle, depending upon where it is. Most times, however, a motor vehicle freight service is utilized, because of the obvious insurance and liability issues.

The transaction itself is clear, concise, and to the point - it's not rocket science and doesn't require any specialized training. It is the dealer's responsibility (and liability) to make sure instructions are clear and that the customer knows what is on the documentation before the Notary arrives. The dealerships do not require E&O Insurance of the Notary, as the dealership completes the documents, not the notary and by law, assumes any liability for errors or ommissions (some states, in fact do not require E&O coverage for Notaries).

The notary's ONLY responsibility is to apply "best practices", i.e.:

1. Verify the identity of the buyer / signer
2. Verify the VIN , year, make, and model of the vehicle
3. Verify the delivery location of the vehicle
4. Assure that all primary documents are faxed, then the entire package is posted back to the selling dealer.

That's pretty much it in a nutshell. I would guess that Maverick Signing has ventured into a virgin area of Mobile Notary services, and lacking business at this point, depends upon Mobile Notaries to pay a sign-up fee and/or pay for an online training program in order to keep afloat until they generate enough business to cover overhead (i.e. website costs and salaries).

Furthermore, this "training" program, although I'm not familiar with the curriculum, most likely includes information about the new Federal "Red Flag" laws (the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act). It is the dealerships and the lending institutions that must comply with these laws, not the Notary. Your only requirement is to make sure the person signing the documents is the person whose name appears on the documents. All other "safety nets" are out of your control. With a little effort, this information is freely available through government agencies, and there would be no need to pay someone to let you read it in their training manuals.

I sent Maverick an edited version of this post, so maybe they'll remove the fee requirement. Training isn't needed - a clear, written explanation of the forms would accompany the package.

My personal philosophy: I don't pay for a job - they pay ME to DO a job.
thensley Posted - 09/14/2009 : 3:05:04 PM
I just received a call from Maverich and they need me to assist with an auto purchase; they will be sending me the paperwork and there's only 1 page to notarize. I never signed up with them, they found me on another website... I don't have to pay a fee or take a test...so far it seems good to go and legitimate.

Trina Hensley
thensley Posted - 09/14/2009 : 3:00:46 PM
I just received a call from Maverich and they need me to assist with an auto purchase; they will be sending me the paperwork and there's only 1 page to notarize. I never signed up with them, they found me on another website... I don't have to pay a fee or take a test...so far it seems good to go and legitimate.

Trina Hensley
Lee-AR Posted - 08/15/2008 : 05:16:39 AM
Did a job for them this month. They found me right here!
Never signed up. Never paid fee. Never did any 'training'. Fact is, this is a no-brainer job. If they need someone, the fee & training disappear. This is such a random type of job, that I can well see why people aren't getting any business from them. Few people who live 'here' will be buying cars 'there'. The one I just did was for a co-signer (parent for child) on the Contract.

heniochus Posted - 08/14/2008 : 08:15:35 AM

catmama47 Posted - 08/03/2007 : 02:00:17 AM
I signed on with Maverick Signings a few months ago. I also took their class on auto loan signings. As of yet, I have not had any signings from them. I did speak with someone at Maverick, they told me they're out there trying to get business.
n/a Posted - 05/11/2007 : 10:20:56 AM
I think I'll wait a little while to see if and when anyone starts to get calls on the west coast before paying money out to get training.

Thanks for the feedback.

Patricia Bailey
LindaH Posted - 05/11/2007 : 08:41:17 AM
Other posts I've read about this say the same thing - "got certified XX time ago and no calls yet". Did read one post stating this company is mostly on the east coast at the moment but working on extending its business west across the country. I've received the e-mail twice but haven't signed up for it yet - want to see if it takes hold.

n/a Posted - 05/11/2007 : 07:54:03 AM
I have been certified as a auto loan signer with Maverick Signings. It has been about 3 weeks but have not gotten any signings yet. When I learn more I will let you know.

Jim Pettis

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