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 Overnight docs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dannotary Posted - 06/11/2015 : 10:29:56 PM
I will NEVER accept an assignment that involves overnighting of docs. After 16 years as a signing agent, I can tell you that it is a disaster. Docs never come on time for an appt. They usually don't mention if the docs are going to you or the borrower. Docs were sent requiring a signature and if no one is there to sign the whole thing is off until another day. More phone calls now and everyone wants to throw you under the bus now because it is somehow morphed into being the notaries fault. Borrowers won't call you to let you know that they have arrived or not then you have to try and get paid for a trip fee. Appt. has to be changed due to late docs which results in at least a dozen phone calls and it disrupts your whole days schedule. It is the biggest hassle and comedy of errors on earth. The reason for overnighted docs is: 1) lots of dingbats out there with crappy printers who don't even know that docs are useless if pages are cut off,2) Cheap companies who don't want to pay a print fee because they get a volume discount from UPS and Fed Ex costing them about $8. to ship. 3) they want to tag and set up the docs, tagging all the signature lines for you etc as if you have never done a signing before.
I am updated my website to include NO OVERNIGHTED DOCS EVER!
E mailed docs only so that I can set it up in advance and prepare everything and have complete control over the docs.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
betty1957 Posted - 10/05/2015 : 05:15:45 AM
I'm with you LindaH! I've only completed about 600 signings, so I'm not as experienced as some, but TOO often we have to wait on the documents as if we don't care if our time is wasted. But, all too often, the vendor, lendor and title will dock our fee if we make an error, and RUSHING makes mistakes. If I have not received documents at the time that I agree to a signing, I make it clear that they may not be dropped for shipment the next Business day, instead of the same evening. Communication is key. The lendors don't always do it, it's hit and miss. I'm not going to do Their job, but I try to communicate enough to the borrower's that it doesn't inconvenience ME. I always ask the borrower for their email, and I have a standard email, "Acceptable ID's for the Borrower", that I have compiled from the PDF's of mortgages and loan modifications and structured settlements. (I ask them to write back, "OK" to let me know that they have received it.) Then, I have one more way to contact them without asking them to pick up their phone again. If I get the documents and the ID's are specific, I send the borrowers an additional email about those specifics. After that, I contact the vendor and/or the lender/title and then it's THEIR problem. Overnighting IS their problem. We all fax waaaayyyyyy tooo often, while the rest of the world says, "fax? What's that?!?" I DO scan, too, even though I'm pushing 60yo.

betty j. dedman
sandiegonotarynow Posted - 08/23/2015 : 09:44:16 AM
I totally agree with you in that it can be difficult to deal with companies that want to send the documents to the borrowers to print, or just mail it to them.
I find a lot of borrowers dont even know that the signing is supposed to be occurring the day that the signing company calls me, and sometimes they can't even sign the day that the documents are dated.
There really should be a more efficient way to get the documents to the notary and have the signers be aware of the exact date they are going to sign and have the documents delivered to us, the notaries, by an exact time as promised.

Best Regards,
Dannotary Posted - 07/17/2015 : 6:45:00 PM
Hi Linda H, those sound like good reasonable ways to handle overnighted docs, but I am not even willing to do that- too much fiddling around.
ohionotarial Posted - 07/08/2015 : 02:01:19 AM
Some lenders, Chase for example, have borrower packets included and require overnight delivery of the complete packet. I am doing one of these tonight, and have had the docs delivered and ready to go for two days. I don't mind this at all, but I guess this is the exception.

Jay Schankman - Ohio Notary Public
NNA Certified Signing Agent
Notary2Pro Trained

"Providing Notarial Services Throughout Central and Southern Ohio"

LindaH Posted - 06/12/2015 : 04:13:58 AM
Overnight docs are fine with me, but I make it clear with hiring party that I will NOT set a time until docs have arrived. IF going to borrower, then borrower needs to call me to confirm docs have arrived. If docs to me I tell hiring party we are very rural with some restricted delivery so they need to do their due diligence as far as (a) finding out delivery times from various couriers; and (b) making sure they send them in a way to guarantee delivery on time. I also have a cutoff time for document receipt - so if docs are delivered to me at 8:00pm, that signing isn't happening til next day.

Most times, when they find out what kind of area we're in, and the hoops THEY have to jump through, suddenly $25 to print the docs doesn't sound like so much to them any more and they're willing to pay it to ensure their loan gets closed on time.


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