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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jlissem Posted - 02/16/2015 : 4:03:19 PM
One of the clients that i do I-9 verifications for is trying to add more mobile Notaries to their
database of Authorized Agents. They asked me if I could help find qualified mobile Notaries.
If you are not afraid to examine docs,list the info for the docs sign an print your name and date in section 2 page 8.
There is no cost to you. Their remote employee pays you on the spot and you set the fee.
You are NOT acting as a Notary in any way You are acting as an individual.
This offer is only for Notaries outside of NJ.
NO XYZ 90 minute wonders need apply.
Send me a EM if interested and I will give you contact info

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mpettaway1017 Posted - 07/07/2017 : 2:15:01 PM
I am interested.


One of the clients that i do I-9 verifications for is trying to add more mobile Notaries to their
database of Authorized Agents. They asked me if I could help find qualified mobile Notaries.
If you are not afraid to examine docs,list the info for the docs sign an print your name and date in section 2 page 8.
There is no cost to you. Their remote employee pays you on the spot and you set the fee.
You are NOT acting as a Notary in any way You are acting as an individual.
This offer is only for Notaries outside of NJ.
NO XYZ 90 minute wonders need apply.
Send me a EM if interested and I will give you contact info


Mary L. Staton
egw91145 Posted - 04/23/2016 : 07:08:50 AM
I was called for one of these about a year ago. It was to be a quick appointment. I had to meet the customer in a location where I could get wi-fi connection. The company made what should have been a very simple event so complicated that both the applicant and I were stymied. The company called to walk us through the gymnastics of what was to be done. They did pay promptly and made my fee (they had originally offerred $20, which I rejected). But I will never do this again.

38892 Posted - 03/24/2016 : 05:11:21 AM



crtowles Posted - 03/25/2015 : 05:55:02 AM
Margeurite, I see you are in California. You need to double check by calling the SOS but they stated that California Notaries who are not bonded as immigration consultants under the Business and Professions Code Sections 22440-22449, may NOT complete or make the certification on Form I-9. And after I looked into it the insurance for immigration consultant is VERY high and of course you need a licence from the SOS.

DGutz01 Posted - 03/02/2015 : 05:58:48 AM
I am very interested. Please send info to me at margeurite_gutierrez@yahoo.com.

Make sure to copy and paste my email address, as many systems try to auto correct my first name by flipping the E and the U.
vondie Posted - 02/25/2015 : 06:17:51 AM
Hi I am interested in this offer if it's still available. I'm at www.acesigningserv@gmail.com" target="_blank">www.acesigningserv@gmail.com if you could give me a reply. Thanks, Pat Patane, mobile signing agent, Orlando Florida

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