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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NewbieNotary Posted - 01/11/2015 : 4:56:57 PM
The topics I would like to discuss would be things such as: Where do I begin? How do I advertise for myself? Should I just say from the start that I am brand new to the whole thing when I begin to advertise?
I've been a notary for a month now but have so far only have notarized things for work.
So Help....where do i begin? How do i begin?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Angela V Posted - 06/04/2015 : 2:34:37 PM
I totally agree with all of the responses here on training, education and experience. I had a mortgage background, real estate license and prior notary license when I started my business in 2009. I even took extra trainings for a refresher. I still found it irritating and stressful doing signings!

I personally favor general notary work over loan signings and that is what I do, with few exceptions. My only boss is the CA Secretary of State, so that simplified things for me.

I can't stress enough the need to stay on top of new laws to stay compliant. Join groups and keep informed.

Good luck and I hope you find your niche.

Angela V
cw2usarmyret Posted - 02/12/2015 : 05:25:20 AM
The point about being OCD is very important. As an example with a package of 135 pages. You must go over every page 3 times. Once when you print it out, once during the signing and once again after the signing. Reasons for doing this are as follows, once before to check for errors. It is not a case of if there are errors but how many from Title and or the lender. After the signing, did anyone miss something. I did a refi for a lawyer and while going through it after, I found a page where he missed an initial. The look on his face was priceless. (This was at a very high end law firm and he was one of the top lawyers) So even if a lawyer can miss something, just think how many time Harry Home Owner will miss something.

Training is important. Many documents are not apparent what needs to be done. Often some docs are blank and have to be filled out at the table.

Starting out, without training and an established track record, only the bottom feeding companies will deal with you. They pay poorly and watch you like a hawk. When you get some signings under your belt then the good companies will start to trying you out.

After 3 1/2 years and 750+, I pick and chose who I work for. When I started, I wasn't sure what I got myself into. Now I wouldn't go back to W-2 work for anything. The more that you put into this, the more you get out of it later.

The 3 best sites to start out are 123Notary, Notary Café, Notary Rotary.

Without training/certification (from NNA as an example), E&O ins/bond and background check you will have problems getting your foot in the door.
Dannotary Posted - 01/31/2015 : 8:11:21 PM
Newbie notary, if you are determined it would be best to find an experienced signing agent to mentor you. I have done it for someone last year who was very bright, and professional, very conscientious and did a great job. After training her for a few months she did it part time for about 6 months and was driven crazy by the whole thing and stopped.
We are 'self employed' but it is the farthest thing from being independent. We are scrutinized closely by a string of people in the process as to how 'professional' we are ad infinitum. Some companies keep a ding file on their notaries and you are rated. You can be spot checked by signing services, title companies and loan agents who will poll your signers after you leave. They want to know what you wore , what you drive, if you walked on the lawn or the walkway, if you parked in the driveway or street, if you brought anyone with you, if you smelled like cigarettes, cologne, perfume, or alcohol, if you knew what you were talking about and how helpful or knowledgeable you are, how organized, how long it took etc etc etc. You will be dogged on the phone and on the internet constantly, like having some micromanager standing over you shoulder. You will be given conflicting information and instructions if any at all, and be damned if you do and damned if you don't. You will grant credit, and may or may not get paid. You will have little to no support. You will receive pages of fine print or demands/instructions on what to do and not do to, varying from one to another, and demeaning pep talks on what to wear and not to wear and be treated like you have absolutely no sense at all. Your expenses will be about 30% of what you make. If you don't have OCD when you start this you most definitely will after a short time.
A good mentor would be the best recommendation. There is a gal in Mich Renee who is on here a lot who would be good to be in touch with if she is close. Good luck.
Dannotary Posted - 01/31/2015 : 7:35:13 PM
I am not even kidding , but I would suggest going into something else. I find this job to be beyond aggravating. This job makes OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) look like some kind of joke because it is beyond that. THe most triflin' mess on earth.
KRichmond56 Posted - 01/13/2015 : 1:09:11 PM
Unless your background is in mortgage lending, I would strongly advise you taking the notary training courses before you think of advertising. That is unless you won't be notarizing loan documents.Also check out the various groups on www.LinkedIn.com that pertain to notaries.

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