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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Notary_Narayan Posted - 10/05/2016 : 6:55:36 PM
Hello all

I worked for TheNotarySpot from begining for august to early sept of 2016. They milked some notary work out of me, never paid and moved on to next gullible notary. Lesson learnt. Guilty.
Michael Tomlinson, whose smiling picture was up as late as of Oct 4th 2016 on linkedin is now replaced with a notary spot logo.
I did most of the closings for Carrington Title and have now launched a email that has gone up the chain to their attorney who asked to for some clarification. ( Very clever) >. He basically was setting up my ground for self incrimination. I declined to answer to him on email and told him to call me back. He insisted i answer his question.

Why do they ask a notary for NNA certification , Background verification when the state notary license says you are a person on good character, why do they insist we carry E&OE insurance,
WHEN THERE IS NO STANDARD for SIGNING AGENCIES.. Apart from Search for cheapest available notary, they serve NO PURPOSE ( Sorry Jeremy : Signing Agencies DO NOT Serve any higher purpose, legal or otherwise).

It is purely my opinion that there are KICKBACKS from SIGNING AGENCIES back to whoever is giving them work.

TheNotarySpot's problems have just began. This and other the deadbeat signing services messed with the wrong notary? I am going to take action that is going to shake the title industry / signing agency nexus.

TheNotarySpot is just one example and Michael Tomlinson will go to jail for his theft of services, deception and organized acts to wilfully defraud legal services rendered by notary.

The list of actions I contemplating but not limited to other legal recourses are
1) Hold Snapdocs accountable for creating and fostering an environment and platform for predatory practices. They can explain that in my class action lawsuit coming up.
2) Title Companies: Hold them to change practices and enforce $1 Million or Pay Surety or Bond in case of default/non payment
3) Effect changes in law
4) Force title companies/escrow to accept liability & pay the notary fee contracted. They have enough margin in other fees to cover this or else contact state licensing department to have their title license revoked.

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