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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cfsac7 Posted - 09/01/2012 : 09:47:20 AM
I looked at all the posts on laser printers and have been to stores and on the internet and I am still confused. I currently have a brother HL 2270-DW single tray laser and am looking for a dual tray laser, but I'm not certain I understand how they work. Do these printers automatically print from the correct tray and keep the documents in order? And does anyone have a suggestion as to one in the below $500 price range? Some of the models listed in the forum are no longer available. Thank You Much
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
egw91145 Posted - 05/10/2013 : 11:08:57 AM
This may be late but the HP2430tn is a perfect printer for what we do.

cfsac7 Posted - 09/03/2012 : 08:02:23 AM
I'm going crazy trying to find a dual tray laser printer. All of the models listed on this site are discontinued and when I search for dual tray printers, nothing comes up. I've spoken to HP and Brother and they are not aware of any printers that will automatically sense the correct paper size and print the document. I see where others purchased models they thought would work and don't. They told me to look for duplexing, not dual tray. I already purchased one printer that has duplexing but does not have two trays and will not print my documents. Help. Does anyone have a dual tray they recently purchased and love or how am I supposed to search and find a dual tray? And is the auto sensing in the printer or the software? Feeling really stupid now, but when the printer manufactures don't know, I feel less stupid. Thanks for any help.
cfsac7 Posted - 09/02/2012 : 07:05:35 AM
Thank You
Lee-AR Posted - 09/02/2012 : 04:42:21 AM
Yes, a dual tray will pull correct size from separate letter/legal trays and keep 'em in order PROVIDED that you set it up properly (the 'how' varies by printer).

You might try eBay or the like for a refurbished older printer with low copy count--deals can be had. But do check if the older printer is supported in whatever OS you're using.

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