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 Unlawfu Requirement Limiting My Commission to 3 yr

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
notaryslife Posted - 03/10/2012 : 11:50:32 PM
I had this referral from an attorney for a new client with a large signature job next week. She just emailed me saying she forgot to ask when my commission expires because the agency requires my commission to be good one year after notarization.

I find this request unlawful and responded my commission is valid. I will not conform to her agency request and will show up if for the very least to get the name of the agency in order to report them to the Secretary of State.

Imagine if these agencies began implementing this requirement limiting our commission to 3 years which it in effect is designed to do. It's unlawful and I won't comply.

Sincerely yours,

Notary's Life
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Doris_CO Posted - 03/27/2012 : 03:09:10 AM
It is not unusual for out-of-country adoptions to have the requirement that the commission be good for one year after the notarization. If you do a search on this forum (I found one comment dated in 2008 regarding adoptions) and also on Notary Rotary, you will see that others have written about the requirement. It is not unlawful and is a valid requirement considering how long the adoption process can be for other countries. (See message Msg #242313 and Msg #194325 on Notary Rotary).
TGS1985 Posted - 03/26/2012 : 11:54:25 PM
I wouldn't have even wasted the time showing up until they waved that requirement. I would've told the contact that although you are commissioned now you're not going to grantee you won't cancel or non-renew your commission in the future which could or could not be within less than a year from now.

As far I understand, the status of your commission after a notarization doesn't even matter. As long as you were commissioned and bonded at the time of said notarization and recorded it properly in your journal its valid.

I don't know the legality of the situation but I think even though they're a law firm they don't have to necessarily know the state laws regarding notarizations. Only notaries do. Half the people/businesses I talk to barely have a understanding exactly what a notarization is. Just that they need it and I'm the person that can do it.

While it's frustrating, they not FORCING you to notarize for them so I would simply lay out my terms out and they can either agree to them or find another notary. I don't see the point of filing a complaint against them nor do I see it leading anywhere.

- Tyler -

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