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T O P I C    R E V I E W
15618 Posted - 05/24/2011 : 2:11:05 PM
Is everyone experiencing a lag in business. April and May has been terrible for me. I've barely received calls from companies I usually get 2-3 signings a month.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TGS1985 Posted - 10/02/2011 : 03:50:11 AM
If I may ask how much success would you say you've had with these free signing days at the senior centers? Anything special you do while there regarding advertising? I already done several paid signings at a local convalescent home was thinking of doing something similar there.

- Tyler Soares -
edelske Posted - 09/27/2011 : 6:27:11 PM
"As ye sow, so shall ye reap".

It's easy to become lackadaisical with ones notary business. If signing is "your thing" are you "constantly" advertising with direct mail to prospective employers. Is your web site - spiffy? Google ranks a sight higher if there are frequent changes and updates. Do you have a really nice business card that you hand out often? Do you take the time to send a "thank you" to the people who give you business.

It's not gonna just "come to you"; you have to work at it constantly - there are many agents out there. Some, are willing to work at a "break even" pay rate. You CAN compete with them by passing various tests and earning numerous accreditations that distinguish you from the "pack".

When you have "nothing to do" - volunteer at a Senior Center to notarize for free. Hand out cards while there. Good will = word of mouth = paying callers.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting

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