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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dannotary Posted - 04/30/2011 : 10:44:02 PM
after the signing to see how it went. Like todays appt, I tell them that it was an extra long appt because they riffled through all the papers and that we called you during the appt several times and left several messages. (I show them where to find the pages that would address their questions and am careful not to go out of my boundaries as an impartial party.) 45 mins before they started signing which is my time and my money due to agents lack of service. Borrowers tell me that agents never return their calls. My answer is to tell these kind of agents to call their client who is the appropriate party to talk about how the appt went. I am all for being a team player but only if it is mutual and it usually isnt. I am going to request that noone gives my number to agents anymore. There really is no reason for them to call us.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lisa T. Posted - 05/02/2011 : 6:27:08 PM
I agree with Linda. I am paid to facilitate a loan signing, not a loan reading...if the borrowers are not ready to sign and would like to review the paperwork, fine. But I will not sit there while they review docs. We'd have to reschedule.
LindaH Posted - 05/01/2011 : 06:02:38 AM
Originally posted by Dannotary

after the signing to see how it went. Like todays appt, I tell them that it was an extra long appt because they riffled through all the papers and that we called you during the appt several times and left several messages. (I show them where to find the pages that would address their questions and am careful not to go out of my boundaries as an impartial party.) 45 mins before they started signing which is my time and my money due to agents lack of service. Borrowers tell me that agents never return their calls. My answer is to tell these kind of agents to call their client who is the appropriate party to talk about how the appt went. I am all for being a team player but only if it is mutual and it usually isnt. I am going to request that noone gives my number to agents anymore. There really is no reason for them to call us.

I disagree...these buyers/borrowers are THEIR clients, and we have an obligation to everyone in the chain to provide our contact information and to be available - and since we're an extension of title at the table, everyone has every reason in the world to contact us. During that phone call, IMO, a simple "all signed and completed" would have sufficed - not a time to lecture them about their lack of communication. If you refuse to give your contact information to agents, you're right on their level of inability to contact.

But that's just me. I also wouldn't have waited 45 minutes to *start* the signing - pens would have been to paper while we waited for the return calls but the signers would have been told that we needed to move along or reschedule.



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