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 Safir Signing Agents LLC

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fedup Posted - 11/23/2010 : 2:43:37 PM
Fedup. I mean I am fedup with working with incompetent signing services. Carla knows what I am talking about.

Was contacted by Shannon, representing herself as Genuine Title Inc of Maryland. I agreed to do a signing that evening. I contacted the borrower, who was a vet like me, we set an appointment.I asked for a confirmation. Later that day I received what looked like instructions(very badly prepared and hard to read,and no ***address***), and that the Company was Safir Signing Agents LLC. It contained threatening verage, an insulting practice, to a broken glass veteran Notary, It says more about their sub-contracting practices and lack of knowledge what the job of Notary is. I am loath to work with most Signing Companies and explained that to Shannon when I called her on the miss-representation. I completed the signing that night. Puzzeled and curious I searched the internet for Safir Signing Agents and Genuine Title, and got several hits, one from Notary Rotary forum. Boy, he has many bad reviews and a reputation for not paying his Notaries. I found the same results on the 123notary forum. Been doing loan document signings for over 20 years, without in the past ever using signing services. Amazing! Well, I just saw red. For every unfavorable post, and I found no off setting favorable posts, for Safir or Genuine, therr are probably 50 Notaries that are abused by this character. Well, I called Konstantin Safir, and confronted him with not paying his Notaries, and failing to disclose to the borrower his insidious relationship with his Escrow Company. He made a big mistake, by telling me I was just a courier, and there was no conflict of interest. Having been in the past a Mortgage Broker that did my own escrows, well knew he was wrong. I advised he check with his Counsel. He said he would get another Notary, I don't think so. I said fine, do that.Not wanting to injure the borrower contacted the Loan Broker, who was happy to pay my fee.
Did I mention I said some not so nice things about his character, abuses and ethics, in bad English. Scum bags I occassionally run into need extra special treatment.

By the way I understand Maryland Insurance Commission is investigating Genuine Title. If you have done any signing for Genuine using Sarif Signing you may want to tell the borrower to check their Huds and Settlement Statement. If you ever see this fraudulant behavoir, feel free to advise the borrower, as well as the relevant regulating authority. We as Notaries are compelled by Law to prevent fraud.

I bring a small claims action within 14 days after receipt of the Demand for Payment. I will not cancel the suit unless they pay for the Proof of Service, as well as Court costs and mailing fees. This is why I rarely work with SS. One requirement for Signing Companies is the principal/s is/are Notaries in their respective States. You can ell when the SS is an Notary and past escrow officer. Its like you are conversing on a different plane.

It is rough out there, I am runing into many incompetent SS, I honestly believe some haven't a clue what ethics are.

Hang in there. Have a nice Thanksgiving.

Bill Bronner

William Bronner
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gno996 Posted - 10/17/2011 : 08:10:14 AM
Did you send Safir or Zukerburg an Invoice?
And to Fedup..I got paperwork in all directins even sidewards...LOL
gno996 Posted - 10/13/2011 : 02:28:51 AM
Do an Internet search on Safir Signing agents LLC and you will find a post on how to get your money back..I got in touch with the title company owner and was informed I will be paid ...Kosty just manages the signing agents (poorly I might add. The owner of the Title Company is Jay Zukerberg with Genuine title Inc...I informed him of legal action and reporting him to the proper state agencies..I did this earlier today and was told I will be paid overnight...

BTW the search is how I found this Blog

Gino Carrozza
ggebbia2 Posted - 08/16/2011 : 06:18:00 AM
His home phone # is 443-870-3472, still no answer though, He has a deadbeat company, I dont know how he stays in business.
8119 Posted - 07/28/2011 : 08:25:56 AM
Like the other reviews on this Company, it is all true. I have left several messages, e-mailed several times, faxed several times sent registered mail and still nothing. So please stay away from this company if they call. His name is Kosty and there is a Kevin.
SGravatt Posted - 11/27/2010 : 1:22:00 PM

Recently performed a closing for Konstantin Safir/Safir Signing Agents LLC/Genuine Title ... they did not pay. I've exchanged several email with him to no avail.

I will pursue this matter ... it's a matter of principle at this point. I'm not going to be taken advantage of by some slime ball and his slime ball company.

Frustrated ...

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