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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sescott39 Posted - 08/17/2010 : 06:26:52 AM
Several loan signing companies have cut down on their office costs by having the notary print ectra copies for them. The thing is, we don't know when we're going to get hit with all the additional printing. When they initially call and we discuss the fee, we don't know how many documents will have to be printed. I recently charged Notary Assurance $25.00 for extra printing. The loan docs were 196 pages plus the borrower's copies. Notary Assurance refused to pay for the additional printing. Has anyone else had this problem, and how have you delt with it?

Suzanne Escott
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Notarykat Posted - 10/20/2010 : 07:00:40 AM
I have had this problem many times with different companies. I am just realizing there is a standard that most notaries are using for printing. Except I don't know it. What is the size of a standard package?

n/a Posted - 08/17/2010 : 11:40:26 AM
Actually, that recently happened to me. Docs weren't ready until late in the afternoon, and I was already rushing back to the office from my first signing to go print and then head off to my second one for the day. Had no idea what size the package was, and after I started printing, I was pissed that it was so damn large and I didn't charge my normal fee!

Even though the SS is a very good client of mine and have no issues with payment, I too felt that I got horsewhipped AND I didn't even charge my normal fee! It was supposed to be a simple, easy refi and it turned out to be a pain in the a$$!.

I didn't ask for additional print fee when I called in the closing, but I do believe I have a right to the extra $25.00 fee if I ask. But on their next call in, I'll definitely make it point to mention this incident.

CopperheadVA Posted - 08/17/2010 : 07:46:14 AM
In addition to what Lee said, get the revised fee in writing. A package consisting of 196 pages is ridiculous!!!

I had one recently where I received the docs a day or two early. I opened the file just to make sure that I could successfully open it, but did not print until the night before the appointment. I do that because you never know when docs will get revised.

So I'm printing and then I realize that the package is 175 pages!!! I have NEVER had one that big before. And it was also a surprise POA signing, and it ended up taking two hours to sign due to the large package, and POA's always take longer anyway. By the time I printed, it was too late in the evening to contact the company for a revised fee or let them reassign, as the appointment was the next morning on a Saturday. Lesson learned - check the size of the package when you receive it!!!

I politely told the company afterward that I kind of felt like I got sandbagged with the surprise POA and the extra large package. I also told them that I was not going to ask for a fee adjustment on this one, but in the future I could not do such a large package for my regular fee.

I will be MUCH more careful when/if this company calls me again. They are known for their large packages and I've done quite a few for them in the past, but I've never gotten one this large before.


Lee-AR Posted - 08/17/2010 : 06:43:49 AM
When you open the docs and see that it is an extra-large package, call the SS/TC and request add'l fee for same. Negotiation prior to printing is the key here.

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