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 Fax backs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
conotary Posted - 04/21/2010 : 12:01:11 PM
Has anyone else had jobs recently where they want the whole package faxed back? I have had two from Nations Direct. Of course, as usual, they are low balling the price and then state that the whole package needs to be faxed back. Both times I have told them I will not do a job for their low price, especially with all of the fax backs. Yesterday, for example, they asked me to go 30 miles away with edocs and fax back the whole package for $70. I don't think so.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
thisldo2 Posted - 04/09/2015 : 11:56:25 AM
I just tell these companies I don't do fax backs or double my normal signing fee. I am NOT a "non-profit" organization.
davidlwilliams Posted - 10/29/2014 : 09:16:16 AM
I refuse full fax-backs. It was on the advice of a woman that got me started in this. She was right. In order to get them to feed right, I have to do one page at a time, at 130 or more pages, that adds up, as does another trip out to ship.
If times are hard, I discount my faxing fee, but otherwise I charge like 75 cents or thereabout for faxing.
closer2001 Posted - 10/03/2014 : 3:56:47 PM
Fax back are becoming the norm even on properties that are not NOO. Some of these fax backs have to be sent by non toll free lines. For me it takes an endless amount of time to fax 100-200 pages and then not get paid or have a long distance phone bill for $15-20 is a killer. Is anyone else experiencing this problem
apaloosa Posted - 12/16/2011 : 7:42:37 PM
Fax backs are used so they can start closing the loan sooner. You are just doing their work again and not getting paid.

If a company want a couple of pages that is one thing, but anything over 5 comes with a hefty fee. Like others have said instead of dropping the package off while you are out you have to go out again because to schedule a pick up with FedEx or UPS you have to know ahead of time when it will be ready. If you can't do the fax backs right away the package may not be ready that day for pick up. It's a hassle that is not worth it.
Some companies are sneaky and don't tell you fax backs are required then when you print the docs it's on instructions. I call them back and tell them what it will cost them - take it or leave it and call another notary that can work for free then. I won't.

renterianotary Posted - 12/12/2011 : 09:06:57 AM
We will not fax back unless the title company specifically requests it for the loan to fund that day. In that case, we raise the ante about $20. Fax backs takes away from the time you can be doing another job. Also, if one's schedule is already full, fax backs may not get done till the evening. And, in that case, you're still hanging on to the package an extra day. If a (signing) company asks for faxbacks, we ask them to waive the requirement. Many do, some don't. Those that don't we advise them to look for someone else. We triple-check our work which allows us to claim a 100% guarantee on an error-free signing (otherwise the re-sign is on us).

Renteria Notary & Signing
Spring, TX
Steele Posted - 09/29/2011 : 2:40:42 PM
There is no need to do fax backs unless maybe it is an investment property. Otherwise, if you are a seasoned notary, that is an unnecessary step.
Dannotary Posted - 01/12/2011 : 11:30:46 PM
I don't usually do these 'fax back' signings. Lots of time. Even though I have a lightening fast scanner and it only takes a minute, there is another special trip out to drop the package often at last minute at traffic time. I charge extra for this as I consider it an extra service. I no longer have a land line phone or a fax machine. For $9. a month I get fax.com to send and receive on my computer. Consider that as a cheap fax.
n/a Posted - 09/09/2010 : 1:01:09 PM
When things slowed down, I started checking and found that I'd received a total of two faxes in the previous calendar year. I canceled my fax line.

When people asked me for faxbacks, I told them I no longer have a fax machine. Most say, okay, don't worry about it.

Now, I've started trying to drop the package in the UPS or FedEx box after leaving the closing. If they ask for faxbacks, I ask them to send the package back to me upon arrival, and I'll do the faxbacks, then return it to them.

If they insist in advance, I say sure, but it's $1.50 per page, as I have to drive 20 miles to the nearest fax machine, and they charge me $1.00, and I have to add my markup, which is, by the way, less than their markup.

Tom in Indiana
vince Posted - 04/23/2010 : 09:05:36 AM
I know a nearby person that takes these assignments and cannot seem to break the habit. She said she did these when she was getting started in order to get experience. That is about the only rational reason I can see for doing these for so little as it really is paying for the training.
PWinFL Posted - 04/22/2010 : 5:20:21 PM
Originally posted by mgb1966

If you are in an area with a large signing agent pool the standard is $40.00 closing and $20.00 doc fees for a whopping $60.00 I do them if they are in my zip code and it is slow and I don't have any thing else. But I absolutely will not travel without a fee adjustment.

I would file this company under ONLY DO IF HARD UP FOR WORK

Even if one is "hard up for work", do you really think $60.00 even covers your expenses? Considering that on average, a signing agent spends about 3 hours of time* for each signing. If an agent is willing to accept a $20/hr rate (which really isn't a lot nowadays), that means all extraneous expenses, such as vehicle expense, printing expense, taxes, etc. comes out of profits made from other signings. Thus, in reality, you are loosing money accepting these assignments.

* The amount of time spent includes the time downloading, printing and preparing the documents, the time spent traveling to and from the signing, the time spent at the table with the borrowers and the time spent faxing and preparing the documents for return. Of course, you also need to add the expense of dropping the package off at UPS/FedEx, which means more automobile expenses, time and effort.

Sorry, but no matter how hard up I am for work, I would rather make nothing than take a loss just to do the job.

Never drive any faster than your guardian angel can fly.

I am not an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Florida,
and I may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice.

Visit us online at http://www.PAWnotary.com
mgb1966 Posted - 04/22/2010 : 3:38:49 PM
The reason they want faxbacks is that they are looking for inexperienced people whose limits are "sign here". They set up a quality control faxback so they can correct the errors before the package comes back. It annoys me that a signing agent has to send out the package on the second day after the closing because ND is too busy to do their q/c in a timely manner. Instead of farting around trying to pick out and fax back the requested documents, I scan the entire package and email it back and let them do the sorting. I have not had a complaint on that yet.

The fees are based on a giant network of dummies who will accept their fees on a normal basis. They actually look for quality agents and work their way down to the clueless. Implicit in all this is that they look on the signing agent as a factotum rather than an experienced asset. I have had to argue for them to accept rather obvious matters in which they had no guess as to what should happen. (They want the borrowers to sign the lender's HUD, the sample HUD used by the settlement agent) 99% of the deals I have done do not allow this practice. They will pay if it is getting close to closing time and there is a lender/title company delay and they have no signing agent. They will even offer three figure settlement fees if they are in a bind. The agents who live in less populated areas without a lot of signing agents normally will get a decent fee from them. If you are in an area with a large signing agent pool the standard is $40.00 closing and $20.00 doc fees for a whopping $60.00 I do them if they are in my zip code and it is slow and I don't have any thing else. But I absolutely will not travel without a fee adjustment.

I would file this company under ONLY DO IF HARD UP FOR WORK
LindaH Posted - 04/22/2010 : 05:45:57 AM
LOL...can you just see it? Nations Direct doesn't even pay $125 for a full signing - can you just imagine them paying $125 to fax back 125 pages??!! I don't...

BTW, I checked with Kinkos about their fax fees - they were $1/page too...so, I guess I can give a courtesy discount and my faxback fee could be $.50-$.75/page - PLUS additional travel for the extra trip to go drop the package, which is approximately 30 miles.

DianaNotary Posted - 04/21/2010 : 10:56:54 PM
Many other companies are asking for fax backs. Most of the time this is impossible to accomplish, because the signing companies want the signed documents shipped immediately after the signing, so there is not enough time to accomplish this. Besides, I agree with you, we do not get paid enough to just execute all the capricious ideas of all the individuals involved in the closing process.
I recently asked a UPS station for a fax quote and they charge $1/page…. So…..no way ….!
Even if I have enough time to fax some of the requested documents out of my office, it’s still time consuming and financially inefficient, so I never feel that the signing was worth the money in these cases.


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