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 Dress Code for Notaries?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DianaNotary Posted - 04/19/2010 : 10:01:14 PM
First impressions really count, so I was just curious how other notaries adhere to the dress code while on the job. Specifically, I want to find out what is considered common dress for a Notary Public (both males and females)?
I believe that is a challenging issue for most of us, [considering the fact that we, mobile notaries have to travel extensively ( and meet people from different backgrounds- business, legal, hospital, jail…..) yet, make sure that our appearance fits the corporate culture of a certain business/social group]…
Any thoughts and experiences?

17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dannotary Posted - 03/31/2015 : 05:56:53 AM
Everyone dress how you want. After a year or so, we'll see who is getting work and who isn't and then compare notes. A business professional doesn't need all those demeaning dress rules that come with some appointments. I ignore all that.
LindaH Posted - 12/19/2014 : 08:13:50 AM
I would not advise shorts - that's too casual for a business environment. Yes, you're right, you CAN, and you probably WILL, but it may be the last time you get work from that particular company. IMO shorts are too casual.

For loan signings and any other assignments done through a TC, SS or any entity where I am there as a long-arm of another company, I do business casual - slacks & jacket, dress & jacket (short or long sleeve depending on season) - like I'd dress to go "into the office". For GNW it depends on situation but I don't necessarily go the "suit" route - usually my GNW people are farmers & cattle ranchers - very laid back and casual - so I follow that course - especially if they've called at last minute and I have to drop everything and run.


davidlwilliams Posted - 12/18/2014 : 7:43:04 PM
Originally posted by davidlwilliams

I use black perma-press medic pants (I am an EMT) which look good ... Usually my work boots (patent leather) and a standard shirt, often black which can go under my uniform shirt without offending uniform policy.
It helps to have one set of clothes for work.
Overdressing is never good either. I used to do a tweed coat, but in bad weather, it does not work...

I just belatedly had a thought...if I can wear black uniform shorts for a job in which human lives are in my keeping (or for my saving) why the *&^% can I not wear uniform shorts for a signing on a 95 degree day?
Upps...guess I answered my question. I can. I will.
davidlwilliams Posted - 10/29/2014 : 09:27:33 AM
I use black perma-press medic pants (I am an EMT) which look good no matter what the climate conditions. Usually my work boots (patent leather) and a standard shirt, often black which can go under my uniform shirt without offending uniform policy.
It helps to have one set of clothes for work.
Overdressing is never good either. I used to do a tweed coat, but in bad weather, it does not work and it distances you from the client. When I sold cars, they mandated a tie and jacket...big mistake. It distanced us from the buyer and created distrust.
Florida Girl Posted - 09/02/2014 : 07:21:57 AM
I am in Florida - yesterday was 97 degrees. I dress "casual professional" This means white or light color summer pants and a cool maybe flowery or simple one color blouse with a gold chain and hoop earrings, no see thrus, no sleevelss blouses, no big rings or fancy jewelry, no jeans or stretch anything; and I wear black closed in flats because you never know where you have to walk. I carry my signature red notary bag and a big smile. If I go into a bank, I have a matching white casual suit jacket. I also have a hawaiian print dress and I put my suit jacket over it when I go to the bank also. Too hot for sweaters, coats, boots. Never sandals or sneakers.

Linda Ann Frezza
Dannotary Posted - 07/21/2014 : 9:32:36 PM
Yes, always dress professionally. Everyone in this industry scrutinizes the notaries professionalism- I know there are a lot of bad ones out there, however, I go to a lot of signings where the loan agent or realtor is there, which is nice, but half of them dress like they been out mowing the back 40 or just stepped away from a yard barbeque or the gym, shirts out, un-buttoned and all the things the many pages of insulting and demeaning instructions tell us not to do as if we were some 18 yr old off a skateboard who has never been in the business world.
PhilWilsonNotary Posted - 05/20/2013 : 1:07:07 PM
I've thought a lot about this. What I think is that yes, we do owe it to the SS, lender, and borrower to appear professional, but I have found that I also don't want to come across as the loan officer for the bank- which very nice clothes tend to convey. I went from wearing a tie and sweater vest to a dress shirt and slacks to a very nice polo and slacks. To me, this gives off just the right impression, which is of a mobile independent signing agent.

Venita Peyton Posted - 03/03/2012 : 5:38:46 PM
Originally posted by BigJoe52

I think it is entirely based on where you are going. I am up here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and there are some places you just don't go wearing a tie. My rule of thumb...know your neighborhood.

Joseph W. White

Clients take me seriously when I dress conservatively. Most of the time it's a dark skirt and blazer. Whether its a house valued at $85,000 or a $500k dwelling at 8:30 pm, this style keeps me focused on the seriousness of closing the deal. I'm usually the only actual person the client meet, since the preliminary work has been performed via phone, fax and computer.

Venita Peyton
BigJoe52 Posted - 01/19/2012 : 07:02:49 AM
I think it is entirely based on where you are going. I am up here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and there are some places you just don't go wearing a tie. My rule of thumb...know your neighborhood.

Joseph W. White
edelske Posted - 09/27/2011 : 10:25:37 AM
Originally posted by FlaNotary

I think we should all wear long black robes

Robert T. Koehler
Notary Public for the State of Florida
Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Florida in the Bahamas
Commissioner of Deeds for the State of New Hampshire
Certified Loan Signing Agent
AAWO Accredited Wedding Officiant

Winner First Prize Posting!

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
DianaNotary Posted - 08/17/2010 : 4:37:49 PM

Originally posted by FlaNotary

I think we should all wear long black robes

Robert T. Koehler
Notary Public for the State of Florida
Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Florida in the Bahamas
Commissioner of Deeds for the State of New Hampshire
Certified Loan Signing Agent
AAWO Accredited Wedding Officiant

FlaNotary Posted - 08/17/2010 : 07:07:42 AM
I think we should all wear long black robes

Robert T. Koehler
Notary Public for the State of Florida
Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Florida in the Bahamas
Commissioner of Deeds for the State of New Hampshire
Certified Loan Signing Agent
AAWO Accredited Wedding Officiant
Lisa T. Posted - 06/18/2010 : 09:44:26 AM
Button front, collared shirts (short & long sleeves) and slacks, not too cheap or too expensive. I have the basic color slacks - navy, brown, black, and grey. I have just about every color of the rainbow in shirts so I can mix and match. I add to the collection as the clearance sales come up.
crtowles Posted - 06/17/2010 : 10:09:22 PM
Personally, I do both signings and general notary work. I have a few pars of nice comfortable dress slack and a couple of skirts and nice blouses that I were. I think business casual is the best bet in all circumstances. I never know where I'll end up so I dress in a way that I can can be in any setting as well as look professional and not feel out of place or make anyone feel uncomfortable.

KanDoNotary Posted - 04/23/2010 : 11:06:37 AM
I agree with Paul for the most part. Local dress code is a good barometer for what you should wear.

However, I also do general notary work beyond my NSA, and since my other business is as a virtual assistant working online, I may be in jeans and a T-shirt when I get a call for immediate service. I'll just go as I am for those, and I'm usually not under-dressed.

But to directly answer you question, I'd plan to dress as I would for a business casual setting.

Have Seal, Kan Travel!
vince Posted - 04/23/2010 : 08:34:44 AM
There has been a couple of closings I've done where the company requested that a jacket and tie be worn. As the fee was adequate, I didn't mind changing to accept and accomplish these. Otherwise "business casual" works well.
PWinFL Posted - 04/20/2010 : 04:50:30 AM
In my personal and professional opinion, the notary, whether they are "just a notary" or a Signing Agent, should ALWAYS dress professionally. That is, wearing business casual attire. What constitutes "business casual" is dictated a lot by location. Here in FL, business casual is shoes, slacks and a collared shirt or blouse. I've seen too many notaries show up at the consumers residence, place of business, or other locations where the 'signing' is taking place, wearing jeans, tee-shirts, flip-flops and shorts. Not a professional image by any stretch of the imagination, except for maybe a beach party.

Never drive any faster than your guardian angel can fly.

I am not an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Florida,
and I may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice.

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