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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mrmees Posted - 08/19/2009 : 10:20:24 AM
Most title companies and signing companies that I have dealt with allow me to print the entire package on legal size paper. Is legal the new norm or there exceptions?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Conniek Posted - 08/07/2011 : 10:47:49 PM
My rule of thumb is legal unless stated otherwise. Usually the confirmation stipulates if not legal size has been my 6+ signing agent years.

ConnieK's Oregon Mobile Notary
Renee Posted - 08/23/2009 : 05:21:28 AM
It's usually SS's that ask for "all legal" - my own assumption is that's their easiest way to prevent SA's as a group from printing improperly. Far less problematic than trying to list the various documents and what size it should be, that you need to make sure it's recordable, that you need to make sure nothing is shrunk, etc.

PWinFL Posted - 08/21/2009 : 3:21:00 PM
Not if your careful. That's the way we did it in the title office for those times the deed and/or mortgage were printed on legal paper.

For those who do print on all legal, DO NOT center the image/text vertically. It is much better to leave the white space at the top or bottom. Of course, with some files, you don't have a choice because they were scanned to legal size.

Never drive any faster than your guardian angel can fly.

I am not an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Florida,
and I may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice.

Visit us online at http://www.PAWnotary.com
Lisa T. Posted - 08/21/2009 : 11:57:34 AM
Can a paper cutter be used to the cut the legal pages to letter size? Will the county recorder know? Just curious.
PWinFL Posted - 08/19/2009 : 12:11:46 PM
Originally posted by mrmees

Most title companies and signing companies that I have dealt with allow me to print the entire package on legal size paper. Is legal the new norm or there exceptions?

While most companies will allow you to print the entire package on legal size paper, you are wasting a lot of money doing so. Most packages will be a mix of letter and legal, with most documents being letter size, thus a significant savings in paper costs if you have a multiple tray (at least two trays) printer.

Also, more and more county recorders are requiring the Deeds and Mortgages, and other documents, be printed on letter size. Legal size may actually cost the title company extra.

Never drive any faster than your guardian angel can fly.

I am not an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Florida,
and I may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice.

Visit us online at http://www.PAWnotary.com
azdocsign Posted - 08/19/2009 : 10:47:46 AM
You will periodically find a customer that will ask you to print certain email attachments on 8 1/2 X 11 and certain emails on legal paper.

Otherwise you should be fine. For myself, I decided to purchase a dual try printer that automatically selects the correct paper size. Hewlett Packard has been my printer of choice. I liked the way it performed so I then purchased a HP dual tray multipurpose machine. Now I can print borrower's set on one printer and title company/lender set on another and it takes 1/2 the time to print the package which really helps if you get a last minute closing. You might want to start saving for future upgrades.

Good Luck!

Kathy Fletcher

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