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T O P I C    R E V I E W
KanDoNotary Posted - 11/26/2008 : 8:39:59 PM
I've had a couple signing companies contact me in November to see if I'm available to do closings. We come to agreement on my fee and I even receive the confirmation. Then I'm called back with comments of, "They went with another title company," or "The borrower changed their mind," or my favorite, "They decided to postpone" with no identification of who "they" is.

Fortunately I hadn't refused any signings to avoid double booking that time for the ones that cancelled. Has anyone else encountered this situation?

Have Seal, Kan Travel!
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
vince Posted - 12/11/2008 : 2:25:24 PM
Originally posted by LindaH

Why not just close and escrow the tax payment until it posts next week...or can't the borrowers get a copy of their escrow activity showing tax disbursement made? Sure hope they don't lose their rate over this.


Perhaps they are not telling me everything, but it is a company I do a bit of work for. I thought of suggesting they could likely have the borrower send a copy of the front and back of the cashed check (usually available in online banking)- but that would still not be the same as a county acknowledgment. They said they'd call when it was ready.
LindaH Posted - 12/10/2008 : 6:15:37 PM
"one was because the county was not yet showing taxes paid that borrower said were - they are waiting until county posts the payment next week"

Why not just close and escrow the tax payment until it posts next week...or can't the borrowers get a copy of their escrow activity showing tax disbursement made? Sure hope they don't lose their rate over this.

vince Posted - 12/10/2008 : 12:12:22 PM
Since the beginning of the year nearly no cancellations - then one yesterday and one today with two different title companies. Each explained why: one was because the county was not yet showing taxes paid that borrower said were - they are waiting until county posts the payment next week. The other is because the borrower did not know he had a pre-payment penalty on his existing loan and they are now discussing other possibilities. Well, at least there is some activity.
joanbergst Posted - 12/07/2008 : 8:30:15 PM
I think it is more likely under 3-5% that have cancelled, postponed, or indefinitely postponed in my experience.
Maybe I am just fortunate?

Joan Bergstrom
24/7 To Riverside & San Bernardino Counties.
State Notary exam teacher for www.notaryclasses.com
Cell: 951-522-4919
Shannon Posted - 12/07/2008 : 10:21:25 AM
Yikes Jeremy! 25-30%?? I'd never give priority to a company that cancelled that often... True, cancellations happen but not to that extent in my experience. Of course, I've been known to charge cancellation fees too. I charge $25 when other work has been turned away because of their poor scheduling. I have also charged for travel ($1.25/mile) when cancellation occurs while enroute.

I believe that courtesy from clients should be an expectation just as courtesy towards them is. While I have raised an eyebrow or two at the pain of paying these fees, most if not all have continued to use my services.

"A Quick Note"
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jbelmont Posted - 12/02/2008 : 1:45:39 PM
Unfortunately in this industry, its normal for 25-30% of jobs to be either cancelled, rescheduled, or indefinately postponed. There could be a variety of reasons: The borrower could change their mnd, there could be a medical emergency, the borrower might realize that the terms are not as favorable as what they originally thought, there could be some issue that the borrower doesn't fully understand, there are many reasons. Its not due to the notary at all. Its not you... its them.

joanbergst Posted - 12/01/2008 : 9:34:54 PM
Should have said Linda's reply not Vince.

Joan Bergstrom
24/7 To Riverside & San Bernardino Counties.
State Notary exam teacher for www.notaryclasses.com
Cell: 951-522-4919
joanbergst Posted - 12/01/2008 : 9:32:56 PM
Vince listed the most common reasons. The only other one that comes to mind is the borrower has a friend who is a notary loan-signer and wants the friend to do the signing. This has happened to me about once per year during the 6 years I have been a notary.

Joan Bergstrom
24/7 To Riverside & San Bernardino Counties.
State Notary exam teacher for www.notaryclasses.com
Cell: 951-522-4919
vince Posted - 12/01/2008 : 6:52:55 PM
[quote]Originally posted by KanDoNotary

Do you have any ideas?

It is an excellent idea to post the name of the company that is doing this if it happens more than once or twice. It's not a bad idea to post information like this on several Notary sites so that others may comment if they have had similar experience. Good people are hard to find and if they are abusing good Notaries, they will likely find it harder to find ones that will accept assignments. Just my opinion.
lkassis Posted - 12/01/2008 : 10:58:28 AM
There can be nearly infinite reasons for them to change their mind and/or cancel with you.

Maybe the final numbers weren't ready as expected so they choose to cancel and call to set a new apptmt with you once it's ironed out.

Maybe the borr changed their mind or is digging their heels in on fees and it has to be redone.

Some companies put feelers out to numerous signing companies and/or notaries. Even if they send you a confirmation and later cancel it could be that they found someone cheaper or that the company who contacted you responded to them of finding a notary but it was too late and someone else had beat them to it at another company.
Originally posted by KanDoNotary

I've had a couple signing companies contact me in November to see if I'm available to do closings. We come to agreement on my fee and I even receive the confirmation. Then I'm called back with comments of, "They went with another title company," or "The borrower changed their mind," or my favorite, "They decided to postpone" with no identification of who "they" is.

Fortunately I hadn't refused any signings to avoid double booking that time for the ones that cancelled. Has anyone else encountered this situation?

Have Seal, Kan Travel!

Linda Kassis
United Notary Association (UNAA)

If you are not riding the wave of change, you may find yourself under it. Ride the wave with the UNAA.
KanDoNotary Posted - 11/28/2008 : 9:14:43 PM
Joan, why would they lie? Did they decide I charged too much? Did the title company change signing agents? Do you have any ideas?

Have Seal, Kan Travel!
joanbergst Posted - 11/26/2008 : 11:01:50 PM
Sometimes it's true that the reasons you mentioned actually happened.
Other times it's just a lie. More of this kind of behavior went on when the industry was "hot" than happens today.
Just my opinion.

Joan Bergstrom
24/7 To Riverside & San Bernardino Counties.
State Notary exam teacher for www.notaryclasses.com
Cell: 951-522-4919

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