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T O P I C    R E V I E W
n/a Posted - 11/12/2008 : 08:44:35 AM
I was an original signing agent back in 1989 and the starting signing fee was $50.00. I have been out of the signing business for around 2-3 years. Just wondering if anyone is actually making a full-time living at this. All of the closing of title companies, signing services, etc. really make it hard to know who to work for.

Any comments are welcome

Patty Norton in Virginia

Patricia Norton
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
PennyG Posted - 03/08/2012 : 2:04:47 PM
How about in 2012? How is business?

P.E.G. Notary Services
A MINI Mobile Notary
DianaNotary Posted - 10/22/2010 : 10:34:38 AM
is it just me, or the notary business is ineed getting better now?

inotarize Posted - 04/29/2009 : 6:45:52 PM
In April I heard from so many new signing companies. I'm not sure if these companies are brand-spankin' new; or if they are just calling me for the first time. I had to turn most of them down due to other commitments so I didn't get a chance to look them up to see if they were reputable companies or not. If it happens again in May I'll do more research.

Michelle L. Riley
Huntsville Mobile Notary - We Come To You!
Patti Posted - 03/26/2009 : 1:49:59 PM
This entire month has been a great improvement although I thought I'd be busier today for EOM. Hoping April is as good.

hpnotary Posted - 03/26/2009 : 12:35:59 PM
I am glad companies are calling. This month has been very busy. The majority of the people are willing to pay.

LindaH Posted - 03/26/2009 : 12:13:20 PM
I'm happy to be able to say I have a record volume month working this month...will be my best month since I started in this business in 2006. Hope it continues..

Shannon Posted - 03/26/2009 : 11:51:18 AM
OK gang! It's getting good again...at least in Southern California. I'm so thankfull that so many NSA's let their commissions expire too! 2009 and 2010 are shaping up to be good times!

"A Quick Note"
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Lee-AR Posted - 11/18/2008 : 07:46:51 AM
I don't go back to '89, but in '93, I was doing loan signings in borrower's homes. Docs were always overnighted and pay was better than it is today. I only did one $50 signing...the first one. When I declined the next one due to distance, they asked me what I would accept...and negotiation was born. However, the volume was FAR LESS than even what I am doing these days. Meaning it's possible that we haven't hit bottom yet.

joanbergst Posted - 11/15/2008 : 11:17:37 PM
Meant to say Carmen

Joan Bergstrom
24/7 To Riverside & San Bernardino Counties.
State Notary exam teacher for www.notaryclasses.com
Cell: 951-522-4919
joanbergst Posted - 11/15/2008 : 11:14:30 PM
Advertise on this website to get business. Call Carment Towles and she can help you on how to advertise.
I am curious what kind of signigs you did in 1989 almost 20 years ago?

Were they at the borrower's home or at a escrow office, title/ lender,etc?
Just curious.

Joan Bergstrom
24/7 To Riverside & San Bernardino Counties.
State Notary exam teacher for www.notaryclasses.com
Cell: 951-522-4919
Shannon Posted - 11/13/2008 : 4:21:31 PM
Sounds like you got out when it was really good. Right now, it's really NOT.

That being said, I'm waiting for the next up-tic, which, I'm certain will happen. The question is exactly when. Personally, I believe that things will "magically" get better on innauguration day. Not because of anything being done, but rather because consumer confidence will return...

"A Quick Note"
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