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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jbelmont Posted - 10/11/2008 : 1:06:42 PM
I remember the days when I was starting 123notary back in 2000. I never knew it would amount to anything much except for advertising for myself. We went national in 2001 and had to scramble to find a bunch of half-interested notaries throughout the nation to join our site. I remember that the central and Eastern states were very vacuous in their content. If you looked up most rural counties, you would find very few if any notaries. Now, when I do a search in the Eastern states, I find so much selection, its amazing. Part of the improvement is due to manually putting notaries in all of their counties that they serve. We didn't have the technology to have a notary in a regular position in the home county, and low position in their additional counties back in 2001, but now we do. Its a lot of work, but the results are wonderful. In many parts of the East coast, you can find over twenty notaries in one county which is something I never dreamed of in 2001.

We are introducing new technologies and features all the time. So, rest assured that 123notary will keep inovating.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jbelmont Posted - 05/20/2010 : 10:20:39 PM
Hi Alfred,
You have a top listing in an area which is moderately busy. We can let you try some additional areas for a few months at a time and you can moniter the types of responses you get. The big volume of business is in Harris county and Dallas. Email us at info@123notary.com if you have questions.

ALFRED WHITE Posted - 05/20/2010 : 4:54:31 PM
I also have been getting a lot of calls and everyone finds me on 123 notary whether it is a loan signing or anything else. I am only getting about 3-5 signings per month and would like to increase it to about 10. I have been debating about moving up with 123 to a higher position or registering myself with other companies. Any thoughts?
Deborah Bond Posted - 10/24/2008 : 12:46:52 PM
I get calls from private persons all the time as well as companies looking for someone to travel. I will not be giving up my membership anytime soon.

LindaH Posted - 10/24/2008 : 09:44:59 AM
I got three calls last week from companies who found me on 123....also got a call from a fellow local notary who found me here...

crtowles Posted - 10/23/2008 : 7:32:26 PM
We lose very few considering the economic climate. In fact I sign up or (they sign up themselves up) every day....notaries still report that they are still getting work form 123 verses none from the other directories. Most folks don't want to give up there top positions. They fear that they will lose them if they do. Trust me this thing will turn around. I am positive. Just hang in there.


Conniek Posted - 10/17/2008 : 12:00:24 AM
Question: How many Notaries have bailed by now? Not so lucrative now as when the bubble was going up and not down. Have less signings in last few months than in years! We hang on for those who need us!

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