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 Notarized, Inc.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jbelmont Posted - 08/06/2018 : 2:43:39 PM
Has anyone worked for Notarized, Inc. before?
It sounds like Warner Brothers thought up the business name.

Chicago, IL.

Charlan Thomas on NR claims this company pays fast.

LuckyDog on NR comments that they pay about 20% less than average companies.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LindaH Posted - 09/29/2018 : 04:27:47 AM
This IS a signing service; believe they're out of Chicago. Notaries on several forums have reported working with them with good and not-so-good results.

zinnburban Posted - 09/28/2018 : 11:23:31 AM
This is NOT a signing or title company. Their a non-profit.

Their about page says this: Wierd!
Our Vision
Notarized Inc. is a Volunteer Organization Set Up in 2012 That Was Created To Help Comeback Hunger, Intiate Economic & Sttengthen community Developmnt Though Charitable Donations.
Mission Statement
Notarized Inc mission is to fighting hunger, lack of education, employment and violence through community partnerships, wea are workin to fill over all need for capital through finacing and advisory services. We support our nonprofit clients multi-facted cntributions to communites, advances community and economic develpment goals, ad works to fill the overall need for capotalization of oganization in tis sector.
Our Vision
We talke personal resonsbility for using our reseources, efficently achieving measurable results, and being accontable to Help Comeback Hunger, Intitiate Economic, Growth & Strengthen Community Development.

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