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 EMD Settlement Group

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jbelmont Posted - 04/29/2016 : 10:45:55 AM
Has anyone worked for EMD Settlement Group before?

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Big John K Posted - 01/27/2021 : 7:23:22 PM
Originally posted by jbelmont

Has anyone worked for EMD Settlement Group before?

I have completed four signings for Beth and everyone has worked out just fine. Get paid in the expected time frame. Pleasure to do business with. Will be glad to work with them in the future.
wdgwings Posted - 07/03/2018 : 12:36:04 PM
Beth is absolutley the Best. I just love working with her.
Originally posted by Penny

Beth Davis at EMD is terrific. She was terrific when her company was Blackburn Settlement. She changed the name that's all. She is pleasant, professional, and thorough and makes sure that the documents are in good order before she sends them to you. Yes - do not hesitate to take assignments from her. She pays promptly and fairly as agreed.

/Penny Henritze

William D Groves


Penny Posted - 06/02/2018 : 07:15:15 AM
Beth Davis at EMD is terrific. She was terrific when her company was Blackburn Settlement. She changed the name that's all. She is pleasant, professional, and thorough and makes sure that the documents are in good order before she sends them to you. Yes - do not hesitate to take assignments from her. She pays promptly and fairly as agreed.

/Penny Henritze
KHSTjudi Posted - 06/08/2017 : 02:58:59 AM
I like EMD. Decent fees, quick pay, docs available on time.

Judi Kidd
MrsKitty Posted - 02/18/2017 : 2:06:55 PM
Beth Blackburn Davis (EMD Settlement) is one of my favorite vendors. I have done at least 2 dozen signings for her in the past year. She is awesome and always pays quickly (before I can invoice). I look forward to working with Beth in the future. I especially like that I can always reach Beth by text and that she returns phone messages and emails really fast. She is super knowledgeable and is always able to solve problems that occur at signings.

Debra LeFew
35992 Posted - 01/12/2017 : 2:14:36 PM
I have accepted an assignment from EMD, they were good and paid within 30 days.

Originally posted by 28205bj

I did a signing for EMD Settlement in in May and received my payment within 30 days.

Originally posted by Doris_CO

She does have a so so reputation. She called me for a signing for 7/7/2016 and I accepted and then did my research. I decided to go ahead with the signing, although I was hesitant. As it turned out, I received payment 8/5/2016. The assignment was a single page notarization, not a full refinance, and I felt if I didn't receive payment, I knew who to contact to follow up on collections. Also check out NotaryRotary for information on her.

28205bj Posted - 08/22/2016 : 05:25:23 AM
I did a signing for EMD Settlement in in May and received my payment within 30 days.

Originally posted by Doris_CO

She does have a so so reputation. She called me for a signing for 7/7/2016 and I accepted and then did my research. I decided to go ahead with the signing, although I was hesitant. As it turned out, I received payment 8/5/2016. The assignment was a single page notarization, not a full refinance, and I felt if I didn't receive payment, I knew who to contact to follow up on collections. Also check out NotaryRotary for information on her.

Doris_CO Posted - 08/21/2016 : 7:46:31 PM
She does have a so so reputation. She called me for a signing for 7/7/2016 and I accepted and then did my research. I decided to go ahead with the signing, although I was hesitant. As it turned out, I received payment 8/5/2016. The assignment was a single page notarization, not a full refinance, and I felt if I didn't receive payment, I knew who to contact to follow up on collections. Also check out NotaryRotary for information on her.
Jeff701 Posted - 08/19/2016 : 10:16:14 AM
This used to be Blackburn Settlements and from my research have changed business names a lot, seems kind of sketchy

They just called me for a job and I'm not sure if I want to take it.

jmschultze Posted - 05/26/2016 : 12:12:58 PM
Originally posted by jbelmont

Has anyone worked for EMD Settlement Group before?

I did a signing for them for the first time about 2 weeks ago. I am still waiting for payment. I had to invoice them by email. I would like to get a mailing address for them if anyone knows it. Thanks in advance.

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