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 Cost-effective Printer

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AParadiseNotary Posted - 04/05/2013 : 08:24:43 AM
Last year I purchased a new hp LaserJetPro 400 printer. I average 45 signings per month - mostly edocs...I'm going thru two toner cartridges per month at a cost of $178.99 each! Is there a more cost-effective, heavy duty printer out there that won't break the bank??
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Andyinchville Posted - 07/09/2019 : 07:03:09 AM
Before I became a Notary I bought a Epson ET 4750 ink jet printer with refillable ink tank system ... It is supposed to be economical to run but about the only regret I have is that I did not get the printer that can handle legal size papers .... sigh

24/7/365 Mobile Notary
betty1957 Posted - 04/11/2019 : 09:43:19 AM
I have been purchasing printers for DH's law office since 2008. We originally bought used from a computer place, but I have replaced all of those with new laser jets. I have a Brother Dual Tray, a Dell color 4 in 1 and an old HP1020 as back up at home. I use the HP1020 to print my work orders/maps, too bc the toner is dirt cheap. At the Law Office I have a fairly new Canon color 4 in 1, an HP (not dual tray but really fast and hooked directly to my tower), a Dell color and a Canon 4 in 1 that was replaced by the newer Canon which would stop faxing/copying at 89 pages--no clue why. The TRICK is to do your research. My Brother HL5470DW (the dual tray) saves me time bc it will print mixed pages. I have it set up wireless. The high yield toner will print up to 8,000 pages and I can buy it (NOT on sale) for <$100.00/toner. UNfortunately the super deals at Staples (where I have purchased all of them) have gone the way of the bad economy, but they Still have "Deal of the Day", which is like a Flash Sale. I bought all 3 DD's Dell color lasers for ~$100/each a few years ago. When HP, Canon, and Brother come out with newer/faster models they clearance the old ones. As long as you buy new-in-package you can get a good machine. Epson has a failure rate, btw.

betty j. dedman
dhelmic2 Posted - 12/03/2014 : 09:00:00 AM
I have been using HP LaserJet 4200 for about 10 years. I buy them on eBay for less than $200 and then buy cartridges on eBay for around 25-30. Have loved this printer. Currently have 2 of them I use so I can be printing both copies at the same time.
29120 Posted - 05/09/2013 : 10:51:24 AM
I use to have an HP4300 Laser Jet. Very good, sturdy and reliable piece of machine. After 9 years I have replace it with a Brother MFC8950DW. Using re-manufactured cartridges is risky business, some of them don't have the high yield and leak printing powder that can damage your printer. I found a Xerox compatible cartridge (18000 pages) at an affordable price.
LindaH Posted - 04/05/2013 : 08:58:57 AM
I just bought a HP 4300dtn on ebay for $200 - 45ppm, dual tray.

Remanufactured cartridges for this printer are $89 at the place I use, $30-$35 on ebay (which I didn't know at the time) - $89 cartridges have a page yield of 18,000 pages; e-bay cartridges have a page yield of 13,000 pages.

If you're paying $178.99/cartridge you're not buying remanufactured cartridges - you're buy new and that's really pricey. You may want to reconsider your cartridge purchase. If you find a provider of good remanufactured cartridges it can save you bundles in the long run. I use inkjetstar.com

Hope this helps.


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