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 Document Shredders

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
28054 Posted - 02/10/2013 : 1:54:45 PM
Can anyone recommend a good shredder that will last?

Robert Owens
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dhelmic2 Posted - 12/03/2014 : 09:02:35 AM
I use a fellowes 99ci shredder. Love how quietly it runs and how many sheets it will shred at one pass.
TGS1985 Posted - 03/30/2013 : 5:00:04 PM
This is the perfect time to share my awesome experience with Fellowes and how they have me as a customer for life.

I bought a Fellowes P-58CS from Costco just over a year ago. Well it stop working and I called Fellowes to see if it was still under warranty. I was informed that as it was more than a year that it wasn't, however they were still going to replace it free of charge (but my replacement wouldn't be under warranty). I said that was great and thank thanked them for the replacement.

I get my replacement and after a day it stops working. The touch-senor light is stuck on (it automatically turns off once your hand is near). I look online and find out there's a shut off for just the sensor. I switch it off and works fine. Having big fingers and no children around I'm not too worry about it so I email them back saying I received it but the touch-senor feature doesn't work. I then ask if leaving it off would damage the shredder and if not I was fine with how it was.

They responded stating it would be fine, however to them that was not acceptable and they would send me another replacement for the replacement. I thanked them for their customer service and a few days later I received the 2nd replacement. It works, so I write back letting them now and asking how I should send back the original and the half broken replacement. They inform me that there is no need and I could keep/dispose of the ones I had. So essentially I gain 1 1/2 shredders for one, that technically wasn't even under warranty.

I can't even think back to a time when I receive such great customer service and you know what it's going to pay off for them because next time I in the market for office equipment, I guarantee you that Fellowes is the first place I go. Even if their products are slightly more expensive I still going to buy them because I know they come with quality customer service.

- Tyler Soares -
Notary Public & Loan Signing Agent
AKnotary Posted - 03/02/2013 : 12:24:29 PM
I use a Fellowes model 79Ci. It is quiet, handles up to 14 sheets and (so far) has not jammed up. I bought it on Amazon.com. As previously suggested by another responder, purchase and use an oil or lubricating sheet on a regular basis. If you're doing a lot of signings, you're probably doing a lot of shredding. If you're not shredding you are open for liability, as anyone can sue you if they find a sensitive document in the garbage. Shred everything that has a name, a signature, a bar code or any other identifying info.

Vicki Kluever
NNA Certified Notary Signing Agent in Alaska
907) 539-7111
edelske Posted - 02/10/2013 : 5:05:56 PM
I have:


Have had it 3+ years, no problems and many a cancelled job has been fed into it. Just be sure to get some "shredder lubrication pages" at Staples and feed it one about once a month.

When it overheats (from a LOT of pages, about 3-4 edocs will do it) it just turns on a red light and waits about an hour to cool.

Might not be a current model, read the manual for it and I am sure you can find similar.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting

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