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 Uneasy situation at signing

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
19336 Posted - 01/18/2015 : 12:52:15 PM
I have been a notary for many... years. I never let my guard down when I am in someone's home regardsless how safe it seems. A few months ago I encountered a borrower who was depressed from a loss of a family member of just the night prior, I told this person the signing could wait just need to call the lender and resch. At this point he went into a rage. He wanted to get this done now he did not want to deal with the lender anymore, just get it done. Needless to say, he did not trust what his lender sent him, I informed him of his 3-day res. take time lkook things over and call with his concerns, I said this numerous times, he wanted to sign but his tone and mannerism were taking on a untrust tone. After 2 hrs. I was finally out the door. I informed the my conctct of my experience at the signing of the recent death, as well as, he questioning the document figures. A week later I get a call from the service, docs needed to be resigned due to HUD changes. He wanted only me to do the signing. Apprehensive as I was, I figured he was more at easy with the death and signing would go smoother. Wrong, he started to talk about killing certain people, he did not want to live, I tried to pacify him by saying think of you dog who he was extremely fond of, he said he would kill the dog then himself and he would take anyone that tried to stop him. He then stood up, not saying anything left the room. I had my cell phone on in my hand but there was no reception! I wanted to leave but the front door was in the direction he went. I sat there hoping not to show my fear. He returned to the room, sat down next to me at the table, with his hand closest to me stoked my arm and did not say anything I thought to myself, this is it. I said I need to complete the signing that I had another appointment. He completed the signing, not saying another word of killing, and I was out the door. I notified the signing company immediately of what had taken place and told them I will not return nor should anyone else. The signing company did not know what to say, they did put an additional $50 onto my fee. To this day, when I go past the road or if there is a shooting in the area I listen to see if it was this borrower!

Ilona Stines
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
edelske Posted - 01/31/2015 : 12:16:34 PM
he started to talk about killing certain people, he did not want to live

You should have reported this to the police. In New York State we are "officers of the court" and have an obligation to protect the public.

This is not a "document issue" this is a "life and death" issue, it goes to the Police, not a "signing service".

I had one brute who gave wife (out of my sight) a black eye because she did not want to sign. I let the signing continue (out of fear for my personal safety), left, called the cops (waited for them and told them what occured) and shredded the documents. Then, I let title/escrow know about it. BTW: the smart lady pressed charges, he went away in the police car.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting

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