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T O P I C    R E V I E W
libby123 Posted - 01/11/2011 : 1:38:06 PM
Has anyone had any experience with working with National Loan Closings?
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
28206 Posted - 07/12/2016 : 10:56:39 PM
Hi Saul,
Is there any way you can contact me.... My number is 6613782002...
Violet Lopez
Originally posted by Saul

They always pay at the end of the following month, they never miss a payment, and it took one round to set up the direct deposit. Very good to work for; the fees are what you bargain for. I have worked for them for one year and they are straightforward and dependable and we have a reasonable agreeement.


Saul Posted - 01/30/2012 : 9:22:15 PM
They always pay at the end of the following month, they never miss a payment, and it took one round to set up the direct deposit. Very good to work for; the fees are what you bargain for. I have worked for them for one year and they are straightforward and dependable and we have a reasonable agreeement.

esnotary Posted - 01/30/2012 : 7:11:33 PM
I just did a closing today for National Loan Closings. Never heard of them before and I've been in this business for 10 years. They called at 9 a.m. and offered me an edoc closing for 80$ (that should be a red flag right away) and I told them my fee was 100$. The gentleman on the phone told me he would have to check on my fee and I never heard back. I check my computer at 2:45 this afternoon and they've sent me the closing to take place at 4:30. They did agree to my fee and the closing was a simple package. Now we'll see when I get my check!

Kathryn Posted - 11/11/2011 : 8:00:03 PM
I did a closing for them 8-25-11 and got paid 10-3-11 for $90.00.SLLLLOOOWWWW!

Kathryn Posted - 11/11/2011 : 7:35:46 PM
I worked for them on 8-30-11. They paid me on 11/4/11. They set me up on an auto deposit and said I'd get paid faster. I still got paid by mail and they were obviously still slow.
Originally posted by LindaH

" I just called them today and they said the payments from the end of July are going out today."

Are you serious?? Holy smoke!! That's ridiculous - 90 days to send payment out?

Good grief.


LindaH Posted - 11/10/2011 : 03:46:33 AM
" I just called them today and they said the payments from the end of July are going out today."

Are you serious?? Holy smoke!! That's ridiculous - 90 days to send payment out?

Good grief.

katrina frye Posted - 09/02/2011 : 2:38:30 PM
I am waiting for payment from them now. it has been 30 days. I just called them today and they said the payments from the end of July are going out today. I am also waiting to be paid by another company as well. I have decided to not take any more jobs until I am paid for these two. My phone rang all day today with 4 to 5 companys price shopping closings at the last minute. I do not understand why they do not value a relationship with a good notary and pay them according to how efficient and dependable they are. There system of time spent calling and calling to find a cheap notary cannot be cost effective. I will let you know when i am paid by Loan Processing Center of Kentucky and National Loan Closings.
Originally posted by libby123

Has anyone had any experience with working with National Loan Closings?

katrina frye
leeinla Posted - 05/09/2011 : 1:48:33 PM
Has anyone heard of this company: Notary Public Network (NPN). You can email me privately. http://www.notarypublicnetwork.com/join/. I got an email from them to join them. I am sure I am not the only one that received the email.


The Lone Notary Posted - 05/09/2011 : 01:43:33 AM
I did a signing for them on Jan 6, got paid on March 7. I told them I was not informed about fax backs, which I charge for. I don't know, maybe it was for the f/b's OR the 60 days to pay, which I loudly protested, but they paid me an extra $10 I did not expect! Thanks, but you are now in my "Do not work for" file.

IntegrityNotary Posted - 02/08/2011 : 07:20:58 AM
I get regular calls from this company and have done about a dozen closings for them since December 2010. Payment is extremely slow-I finally received a check for one I did for them the first week of December.
clmillet Posted - 01/21/2011 : 1:07:36 PM
I did several closings in November and December. Their month runs from 25th to 25th of the next month. Paid as agreed.

LeahMN Posted - 01/19/2011 : 7:42:31 PM
I have completed 2 signings in Dec and hopefully they pay within 30 days if not, they will receive a "Payment Demand Letter"..
libby123 Posted - 01/18/2011 : 08:30:52 AM
Thank you for your response, after many phone calls and run around they finally paid after 90 days.
Kkristensen Posted - 01/13/2011 : 5:23:36 PM
They have used me once. Slow to pay. 30 days or later. $80.00. I think Iowa Loan Closing also works out of their office. They paid me $125.00 for 45 min. out of town. Paid after 30 days.

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