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 I swear I didn't hit the client!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
fdrover Posted - 02/02/2013 : 3:48:23 PM
I have a new and different notary experience that I am sure you will get a kick out of. I went to a signing and upon walking in I thought the borrowers had just moved in. There were boxes everywhere, on the counters, all over the living room and a very tiny space for a chair and a tv. Turns out they have lived there for 4 years. I had to wait for the wife as she was in the shower. She came out with her hair in a towel and a little tiny slip on. I knew she at least had underwear on because I could see it! We started the signing and after a few pages I realized the wife was signing her name with an extra "L" in it. I told her that she had to sign the documents exactly as it was typed and as it was on her drivers license. She adamantly refused saying that this was the name on her Visa. Long story short she would get a copy of her Visa and I would pick it up the next day. In the meantime, she was now writing the date 1-23-20013. I told her to cross it out, initial it and write it without 2 zeros. She did it that way THREE times before I finally wrote the date for her on a separate piece of paper and told she had to do it that way. The next thing I know she has left the table. I asked her husband what was going on and when he went to find her she had locked herself in the bathroom and refused to come out and sign the paperwork. I was absolutely shocked and have to admit I started laughing a little. I packed up my bag and told the husband that I would give her a couple of days to get out of her snit and try again over the weekend. He was furious with her. He had told me at the signing table that she did not contribute any money to the household and that she gambled all of her money in the casino so he was the one that was going to be financially hurt if the loan didn''t go through. She never disputed the fact. He spent 10 minutes on his front porch bashing his wife for what a b... she was and that she had done this before with other things. And, get this, he wasn''t going to drive her the one block to work anymore, she could walk!! I said I would call him over the weekend and I was sorry this had to happen. Now it is Sunday, I call to see if she is ready to sign. He said "No, we don''t want you back here because, (are you ready for this) YOU HIT MY WIFE"!!! I was speechless but only for a moment. I of course told him that was a lie and he said that he saw me do it! Of course that was an even bigger lie because it never happened. I asked him, if that was the case, why didn''t you bring that up to me when I was there to sign the documents. He never said anything during the conversation on the porch but now all of a sudden it happened! His response to my question was, "Well, I don''t know what you''ve been drinking...". At that point I hung up. Only bad things would have come out of my mouth at that point and I needed to restrain myself until I hung up.

Now, my personal feelings, I could give a rat''s butt whether they get the loan or not, of course as a notary you want your clients loans to fund but on a personal level for these two, who cares, so why would I hit her? And second, if I''d hit her, which I would never do, I would probably be in jail right now!

Just thought I would share this with my fellow notaries either for your chuckle of the day or for future reference. You just never know what is behind that door when you knock on it now do you?

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
johnysam Posted - 11/19/2013 : 8:38:29 PM
Its really sad that such an incidence occurred in your life.

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