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T O P I C R E V I E W |
Posted - 10/08/2011 : 01:42:36 AM How many "readers" have you came across?
I get the occasional reader who reads the whole Note and Affidavits and TIL. But REALLY, reading EVERYTHING on the W-9 , is that necessary? After saying "its your 5th purchase." I wouldn't think you would have needed to read the last 3 pages of the W-9 form? A normal 30-45 minute loan doc signing took me 2.5 hours to finish. And I wasnt even offered any water on top of that hehehe 
If they have a right to cancel, I usually mention that in the beginning of the loan, so they know they can just go for it and sign away, then when I leave they can read "everything" if they wanted to...
3 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
TGS1985 |
Posted - 10/19/2011 : 1:47:21 PM I came across two since starting my business earlier this year. Last one really pissed me off though to be perfectly honest. It was a regular refinance with a Right to Cancel. It took three hours. Why? Well...
It was an older couple who had their grand children with them. The gentleman insisted that I go over the documents with him first while his wife looked over the grand children and then they would switch. I told him I didn't really have the time (nor did I want to) to essentually repeat the signing twice. He said that would be no problem as his wife will just sign where need be as he would have already look and okayed everything over.
Well when it got time to switch the wife decided that she wanted to look over everything after all. Not only that, she insisted she compared her copy with signed copy PAGE BY PAGE (125 approx). All this despite me stressing they had a 3 day recession and that I personal printed both copies at the same time. Even worse she kept getting the copies mixed! I was practically babysitting this woman by that time and it was a miracle I didn't get a phone call a few days later stating that the documents were left out. Oh, also the gentleman did a poor job of managing the kids as they CONTINUED to interrupt the signing.
At this point I was very peeved and I think it was beginning to show on my face. Eventually I finished the signing and left, forcing myself to remain polite while I did. I made sure to let the signing company know how out of my way I went to make sure the signing was completed.
Now I know what you're all saying but September was a very bad month for me. I had barely any calls and one of those calls was from Paul Gambs of Pacific Document Services fame. However, I will admit all the warning signs where there. It was a company I never worked with before and it was a short notice signing. The company does have a good rating so hopefully the PITA portion is over with and there won't be a hassle come payment time. But yeah, I should've stood up for myself and threaten to leave and come back later, but like I said new business, bad month, first signing with new company, I really wanted to impress and make sure it was done perfect.
And I'm with you MNSHAWAII, if there's a 3 Day Right to Cancel that's the VERY FIRST thing I go over and explain. I been mostly doing new purchases so it hasn't even been an option so any time I see it I think to myself, "Yes, EZ mode!" because I pretty much rest assure any worries the signers have by telling them that they have 3 days to look over their loan in detail no strings attached.
I side more with Dan than Lee on this one. I know by now that on average a problem free loan signing for me takes about 45min to an hour and that that accounts for 90% of loan signings. So I am the most patient person in the world for that hour. Afterwards, my patience starts to fade slowly. And you can't really charge more because how are you going to know which signings are going to be the 1 hour vs the 3 hour? That said I do see Lees point, if it becomes a regular thing then chances are you need to work on how you approach and conduct your loan signings.
Dan, I like your hold harmless agreement idea. Did you just have a lawyer type that out for you, in which case you just throw it in at the beginning of signing?
EDIT: Dan thanks for the fax! I have some questions I want to ask you about your hold harmless agreement however I only have a free eFax account and can only receive faxes, ot send. I practically never get faxes anymore. If you could send me an email to tylersoares@notarysociety.com I'll respond to it wtih my questions. Thanks again!
- Tyler Soares - |
Dannotary |
Posted - 10/10/2011 : 8:59:49 PM I am not as patient as I used to be. For readers, who read the deed and W9 instructions esp after its their 5th purchase- what are they doing owning property if they are that ignorant. I dont suffer fools gladly. I will point out the RTC and if they persist I give them my card and tell them to let me know when they are done. I call the Signing Co or title and make sure I can leave them their copy. HOnestly it scared me because it makes me wonder about how willing they are to sign and if it might get me in trouble down the road. I charge again for going out there. It helps a lot when I get their go over my signing agent hold harmless agreement which describes what my visit and function in this is all about and not about. Then we are kindly on the same page and get on with it. |
Lee-AR |
Posted - 10/09/2011 : 4:34:35 PM Between the First Four docs properly presented and a RTC 'reminder', you can usually short-circuit a reader. But, that said, if they insist on reading...well, that's what we're being paid for and I would be patient (at least, outwardly patient). If it happened more frequently and I was sure it wasn't something I was/wasn't doing that caused it, I'd just increase my fee to cover the additional time needed.
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