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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sabrinasehl Posted - 09/17/2011 : 4:09:19 PM
First and formost I will apologize if this offends anyone, as I am completely horrified but I also felt the need to share, in case anyone out there has experienced anything close to this encounter. After eight yrs as a full time notary and thousands of loans under my belt this is by far the craziest thing I have seen, this one even tops being locked in a mans house and his asking if I was afraid of being dismembered.

So today I was assigned a reverse mortgage closing for husband and wife, and the son was POA for the husband. My first thought was this is going to take a while but it's saturday so I have plenty of time. They seat me in the dining room facing the living open (open floor plan) the son and his wife sit across from me and the mother to the right side of me. The father is sitting in front of me ten feet away in the living room watch Tv. We get started with the closing, The conversation is a little strange and the family seems a little odd but nothing I haven't delt with before. They explain the father has alzheimers and thats the reason for POA. So half way through the signing I notice the father stands up in the middle of the living room and is just watching me, he starts to stare at me with this smile on his face. I was starting to feel uncomfotable and made sure to focus my eyes on the documents as not to meet his gaze. Well of course the son asks me a question so I have no choice to look as him, as I look at him the father behind him is pulling his basketball shorts up his leg at this time I really didn't know what he was doing but it became quite clear within a few seconds. He had pulled his shorts up so high that he complete exposed himself, that wasn't all he was doing either and I'm sure you get the picture (as terrible as it is) all the while staring at me with this weird smile. Of course no one else sees whats going on except for my poor little eyes. I'm absolutely mortified and can't move for a moment. Once I regain my though process I start to figure out what I should do I certainly didn't want to embarrass the family as we had more signing to do. But I couldn't sit there while he was doing this either. I don't even know if he realized what he was doing was inappropriate. After a minute or two of thinnking and trying not to notice which didn't deter him I finally said I think your father needs to go in the other room. At which time he quickly dropped the leg of his shorts and sat down. The wife asked if he needed anything without looking at him and he said he was fine, the son and daughter never look they just continued to look at the documents. So I finished the signing as quickly as possible. Once I got into the car I had to take a minute to calm my nerves down. This is by far the craziest thing that has happened in a closing. I think I may be scarred for life. After the initial shock I can find the sick humor in it, I don't think he ment any harm otherwise I would have pointed it out! I guess it's an interesting conversation starter.. :)

Sabrina Sehl
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LindaH Posted - 09/17/2011 : 5:39:48 PM
This is typical behavior for Dementia/Alzheimer's patients..the best you can do is either ask the family to tend to him, or keep your focus on the docs and ignore him, or ask that the signing be moved - but in that case he'd probably just follow.

Yes, very embarassing, but very sad for him - he has absolutely no idea he's inappropriate.


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