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 She Answered The door Wearing Panties!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
7227 Posted - 05/27/2010 : 12:30:13 PM
Couple years ago I had a refinance closing about an hour from my house at 8AM on a Saturday. Rang the doorbell and waited for awhile, finally the wife answers the door wearing only panties and a halter top. She said they forgot about the appointment but to come in. I expected her to run and put clothes on- but, nope, did the whole signing that way and her husband didn't seem to mind at all...
If he did mind, I didn't mind!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Eve Posted - 10/14/2011 : 07:59:21 AM
I agree -- sounds like their swinger's club is trying to recruit new members.

Not sure what my reaction would be if I ever encountered someone in their drawers. Probably, uh, this is a little too much info, I just need to see your government ID?? Seriously, I consider this above and beyond the call of duty, and I'd not hesitate to ask them to get dressed before we could proceed.

In conservative pjs, I wouldn't care. Give me some coffee and maybe a donut, and we're good to go.

Originally posted by Lisa T.

Wow, what a tramp....prancing around in drawls (drawers) in front of a man not her husband...what a skank!! I could care less that it is her home. And her husband is no better than she is. I guess neither of them have any decency or self respect. I would NOT complete a signing with a man only in his drawls (drawers), even if his wife was there and didn't care.

They sound like a swinging couple, probably regulars at orgies, and they probably play naked poker.

CopperheadVA Posted - 10/13/2011 : 12:27:25 PM
I've had not one, but two Saturday morning appointments where the borrowers were wearing their pajamas at the closing. Panties is just completely crossing the line, though!
edelske Posted - 10/13/2011 : 11:49:35 AM
Originally posted by 7227

Couple years ago I had a refinance closing about an hour from my house at 8AM on a Saturday. Rang the doorbell and waited for awhile, finally the wife answers the door wearing only panties and a halter top. She said they forgot about the appointment but to come in. I expected her to run and put clothes on- but, nope, did the whole signing that way and her husband didn't seem to mind at all...
If he did mind, I didn't mind!

Just one more reason that, in addition to a signature in the logbook; there should be a picture.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
Lisa T. Posted - 05/28/2010 : 8:22:17 PM
Wow, what a tramp....prancing around in drawls (drawers) in front of a man not her husband...what a skank!! I could care less that it is her home. And her husband is no better than she is. I guess neither of them have any decency or self respect. I would NOT complete a signing with a man only in his drawls (drawers), even if his wife was there and didn't care.

They sound like a swinging couple, probably regulars at orgies, and they probably play naked poker.

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