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 Workbook Part IV glitches

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
joelbenedict Posted - 05/18/2014 : 1:58:12 PM
Practice #1 and #2 are glitched. I'm using the Chrome web browser. I've gotten practice #1 down to 6 incorrect answers before starting to try every answer that can be selected to every blank space, but it's an incorrect answer in every space. There is no way to see the final answers like with the other practice tests. Practice #2 only has four signatures for two spaces, but there is no signature that corresponds to each space. Dragging the answers to the appropriate blanks is also a glitch in one of the previous Parts due to a mismatch between the image size of the answer and the bounding box of the empty question space, but I can't remember which Part it was. Practice #4 has an minor annoyance with the cross-out images being different sizes for different length words, e.g. a long line is not able to cross out "(s)" and a short line is not able to cross out longer words like "their"--it's nothing significant, just makes the practice longer. Also, is it really necessary to cross out the boilerplate plural or singular language in a document? Seems like that might be an unauthorized change to a document, and that that time might be better spent elsewhere. I've routinely left the language alone without incident.

The interactive forms for Part IV practice #1 and #2 are not interactive, but if I wanted to I could save the .htm document, open it in OpenOffice or Word, and fill out the spaces from there, paste in images of dummy signatures, and then submit it along with the other practice documents from Part IV to be reviewed by 123notary.

Practice #3 says in the notification box at the beginning of the practice that one of the borrower's names is "Marry Smith," that's with two "r"s. I'm assuming it's a typo in the notification box, since none of the signatures include that particular spelling. The placeholder sample name of the notary is the same as that of one of the borrowers: John Smith is the name of the borrower and of the notary public used; I can only see this happening in rare instances, so it's not clear what needs to be done for the practice document--just requires trial and error.

With most of the practice tests, there is no final "done" page that displays a final score or anything, you just close out of the window and the work isn't saved, which is fine since it's just a practice test.

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