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jbelmont Posted - 03/09/2007 : 4:11:25 PM
Recently a good friend of mine who signs in North Carolina was implicated in a suit by the borrower against the lender. The lender had turned down the loan after it had been signed. The defendant’s attorney discovered that “Notary Fees - $275” were on the HUD statement and of course a notary in NC can’t charge that amount for notary services. My friend had to write several letters regarding the “Notary Fees - $275” along with the signing company. I thought this was interesting and wonder if anyone else had a similar incident.

This is from one of the notaries on 123notary.com in NC and not written by Jeremy Belmont. However, it was posted by Jeremy Belmont. I decided to duplicate this post in the getting paid section since it drew so much readership in the legal section.
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cfsac7 Posted - 09/19/2012 : 6:37:09 PM
Originally posted by cfsac7

Originally posted by n/a

I reside in NC and in October, 2008 I had a Notary Complaint Filed on me from a couple I had done a loan closing. The HUD stated notary fees to my company at $100.00, which was in excess of the $5.00 per signature we can charge. I responded with all my documentation and I am still awaiting the outcome of this complaint (was told the department is way behind). I talked with the NNA and was advised to remove my fee structure from my website and be sure any future HUD's do not state my name and "notary fees". I do not charge for "notarization of signatures", my fees are for travel, printing docs, etc.

Is there any update on the outcome?????????

Pamela Evans

cfsac7 Posted - 09/19/2012 : 6:34:59 PM
Originally posted by n/a

I reside in NC and in October, 2008 I had a Notary Complaint Filed on me from a couple I had done a loan closing. The HUD stated notary fees to my company at $100.00, which was in excess of the $5.00 per signature we can charge. I responded with all my documentation and I am still awaiting the outcome of this complaint (was told the department is way behind). I talked with the NNA and was advised to remove my fee structure from my website and be sure any future HUD's do not state my name and "notary fees". I do not charge for "notarization of signatures", my fees are for travel, printing docs, etc.

Pamela Evans

NCLisa Posted - 09/17/2009 : 2:00:06 PM
A NC Notary Public may not charge a travel fee. The only way to be able to charge a travel fee, is to have a company or LLC. Only an individual can be a notary, not a company or LLC. All payments are made to the company.

All fees are paid to my company, and the company charges a flat closing fee. What my company pays me varies depending on expenses. When I do general notary work, I also make sure they understand that they are hiring the company, and a travel fee is included in the cost.

PWinFL Posted - 09/17/2009 : 09:50:11 AM
Originally posted by NCLisa

A company can charge travel fees, while an individual notary can not.

Lisa ... are notaries prohibited from charging/obtaining travel fees? Even if they are a "mobile" notary? Are there any fees or charges that a notary is prohibited from charging?

I know of one state, Iowa, that sets what the notary can charge for travel "... not to exceed the approved federal mileage rate and may charge an expedited convenience service fee not to exceed twenty-five dollars, when traveling to perform a notarial act ..." (§ 486.350), but wasn't aware that NC prohibited it.

Never drive any faster than your guardian angel can fly.

I am not an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Florida,
and I may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice.

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NCLisa Posted - 09/17/2009 : 07:10:52 AM
First off, point out that the fees went to a company. A company is not a notary public. A company can charge travel fees, while an individual notary can not. If a company is going to put me on the hud, I insist it say mobile closing fee.

n/a Posted - 09/17/2009 : 03:39:56 AM
I reside in NC and in October, 2008 I had a Notary Complaint Filed on me from a couple I had done a loan closing. The HUD stated notary fees to my company at $100.00, which was in excess of the $5.00 per signature we can charge. I responded with all my documentation and I am still awaiting the outcome of this complaint (was told the department is way behind). I talked with the NNA and was advised to remove my fee structure from my website and be sure any future HUD's do not state my name and "notary fees". I do not charge for "notarization of signatures", my fees are for travel, printing docs, etc.

Pamela Evans

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