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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jbelmont Posted - 03/08/2007 : 08:52:31 AM
I think we need an effective solution to getting everyone paid. Why don't we work as a team and find a few attorneys in Orange county ( the focal point of California signing companies ) who can help our notaries get paid. Let me know if any of you can find anyone good who is helpful and will get the job done. I think that there are more problems getting paid from California than in other states. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I think its because people here need to save up more money to get a better SUV to keep up with the Jones' in California, and therefore they get that extra money by not paying the notaries which is not acceptable.

The main thing is to have the attorneys help notaries as a group which would be more efficient and financially possible than helping notaries as individuals. Collecting a few cases against particular companies and then sending demand letters and whatever else follows.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
23931 Posted - 03/06/2015 : 12:33:23 PM

Looking for the latest info on this subject...it is unacceptable thievery...I am ready to consolidate debt if necessary...I am in Texas now...but the deadbeat is in CA.


Shannon HOBBS

Shannon Hobbs
gno996 Posted - 10/13/2011 : 02:18:22 AM
As notaries we are working in regulated arena..your registered representatives with the state, and I with the "Office of the Seal" for the state of Michigan..title companies can lose their right to issue a title in that state and their insurance requirments. File your complaints with the Insurance General or the insurance regulatory comission with the state..also look into who regulates the title issuance for the state..each closing I do I keep a copy of the title company and the bank..working as their representative they are liable to both you and the state regulatory boards..it's not a lot of work. I am dealing with this in Maryland right now..I sent an email to the title company and was informed I will be paid by overnight courier..I also spoke with a Judge and former Notary and am prepared to get a judgement against each entity with Interest,legal and my collection fees I do collections also and will legally ACH my payment with the help of the county police or bondsman.... Imagine the surprise as they do not need to be served a notice....
16608 Posted - 12/02/2010 : 1:02:57 PM
Originally posted by jbelmont

I think we need an effective solution to getting everyone paid. Why don't we work as a team and find a few attorneys in Orange county ( the focal point of California signing companies ) who can help our notaries get paid. Let me know if any of you can find anyone good who is helpful and will get the job done. I think that there are more problems getting paid from California than in other states. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I think its because people here need to save up more money to get a better SUV to keep up with the Jones' in California, and therefore they get that extra money by not paying the notaries which is not acceptable.

The main thing is to have the attorneys help notaries as a group which would be more efficient and financially possible than helping notaries as individuals. Collecting a few cases against particular companies and then sending demand letters and whatever else follows.

We are a group of notaries fed up with these companies not paying us. We have formed Notaries United. We have been able to collect 99% of the outstanding invoices we have gone after, and in about 24 hours of making contact with the signing company. If you would like us to help you, contact us at notaries.united@onebox.com We do not charge for our service. We are very busy and should get back with you within 10 hours. Hope this helps.

n/a Posted - 04/29/2007 : 9:21:14 PM
I have been trying for three month to get paid from PDS. Each time I get a differnt story. The bank is behind in paying them. I did not know that I had to wait for the bank to pay them befor I get paid which is a lie. The check was mail to you last week, which is now three weeks later. I will call and let you know what is going on. They never call you back. I took the job and was very acurate and went out twice to make sure they got the closing. The borrower did not like what she saw and call it off. After speaking with someone and got thing clear up. Call me back to do the siging. Went out in 18 degree temperture to make sure I did the signing now I can't get paid for the job This is how much they appreciate the time and effort you put in to help them. I don't work for free as I'm sure they do. Need a solution on how to get paid. Not some much about the money just the principle of the whow thing

jbelmont Posted - 03/09/2007 : 4:03:13 PM
I think that the notaries are too busy trying to collect their money to even begin to think of keeping up with the Jones'. But its human nature for all of us to always want bigger and better things. I appreciate your help Shannon with helping finding an attorney. This is a serious problem and we need a serious solution.
Shannon Posted - 03/08/2007 : 09:34:55 AM
I haven't had too many problems getting paid but agree we need a solution or somewhere to turn.

I'm gonna check a website I have in mind and get back to you...

By the way, you forgot that some NSA's have to worry about affording that G.I. Joe with the Kung Fu grip so their kids can keep up with the Jones' too!

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