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 So Many Bankers, so Few Notaries

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
edelske Posted - 11/23/2017 : 2:08:37 PM
So many bankers, so few notaries.
Would someone tell me who else lays out expense money, time, and travel prior to payment? I can't order a T-shirt without giving my credit card information.
I USED to have a reserved "Dun The Turds" day. It was the last Monday of the month, that's history.
Tell me: To those who DO first, then PRAY for pay later; consider the financial arrangement you offer. Now tell me who offers you the same financial arrangement.
Can you recall when something arrived with an invoice for you to pay? I doubt it.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
edelske Posted - 11/26/2017 : 3:54:30 PM
Desparate notaries - agree.
Too few signings - Not really a problem.

The REAL and EASY money is in general notary work.
Way more than half of my business. And, there are plenty of banks with notaries in Manhattan.
But, they are quite pickey about what they do, most will not do a deed or a POA - too much chance for their "parent company" to be named in litigation. Caution justified do to their low skill level.

So, when a signing comes along, on my terms, I accept it. It's the GNW that keeps me busy. Thousands (I order 5K at a time) of my cards are in circulation.

Few notaries are in our experience, with years of reputation and skill building. Let them hire the novice for a 50$ Edoc with total hand holding and scan backs. We can take the redos!

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
Lee-AR Posted - 11/24/2017 : 08:58:15 AM
Think the problem is "So many desperate notaries, too few signings".
And, to be honest, it's taken a while for me to get rid of the 45-60 payers to where I now have a big enough book of business, all of whom pay in a maximum of 30 days.

To answer the question you asked: Nobody offers work or product now and pay for it later...much less 60 days later.

If you don't value your time and experience, nobody else will.

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