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 What to do when the customer paying is out of town

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TGS1985 Posted - 02/26/2012 : 11:43:10 AM
Been a super busy month for me and my new business and as a result coming across some new situations that I now realize I was not prepared for.

Basically, I had a woman out of town that needed a notarization on a reconveyance from a gentleman in my local area. Being my first time in such a situation I made an effort to collect as much information as I could while spelling out my terms.
Well long story short, I wasn't paid and now I'm chasing a payment I doubt I will ever actually see.

Most of my notarizations have been scheduled by the signer so every time I collect payments right after. However, can't really do that if person scheduling the appointment will not be present for the signing.

So my question is is there a successful way to handle notarizations when the paying party is a third party that won't actually be present for the signing and is an individual, not a company? Or should such signings be avoided at all costs?

- Tyler -
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edelske Posted - 08/06/2012 : 9:00:03 PM
see my blog article "Assuring Payment from Individuals".


Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
TGS1985 Posted - 02/29/2012 : 10:20:49 AM
Yeah, I'm failing to make all my payment conditions known up front. I've realized this and have already made steps to correct the problem.

So basically the impression I'm getting is that if the private customer is out of town, then they need to make arrangements for payment due on signing. Makes sense but was wondering if there was a option I wasn't seeing that would still be accommodating but at the same time not set myself to be screwed over.

I did consider Paypal Edelske, buy I don't think I can justify it for my business at this point in time as 99.9% of my notary business is local and paid by one of the signing parties. But I think that be the route I'd go in the future. Pre-payment by credit card.
edelske Posted - 02/28/2012 : 04:24:13 AM
In addition to the usual What, When, and Where - is the mandatory question "How and by whom will payment be made". Failing to ask that question allows for confusion and misunderstandings. If the voice on the phone says the person signing will pay, you need their contact number and ask the question again - to the person who will be paying. At that time your payment policy is discussed. You need to settle this aspect in advance. Cash, personal check (not me!) or on-line with a credit card (PayPal).

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
Lee-AR Posted - 02/27/2012 : 7:31:42 PM
General Notary Work has a long learning curve because there seems to be no end to the creativity used in attempting to get out of paying the notary. Oh, gee, forgot my wallet/checkbook and only have $5 cash. Have change for $100? Do you take credit cards?

Collecting up front helps, but that only works if they've come to you. Otherwise, you've made the trip regardless of whether or not you do the work and/or they have the money to pay you.

In your scenario, I think I'd either turn it down or insist that the person whose signature I'm notarizing pay me. S/he stands a far better chance of collecting from out-of-town person than I.

LindaH Posted - 02/27/2012 : 05:39:05 AM
I could be wrong but I'm reading this a general notary assignment you had from a private individual - not an SS or TC or some other company?

If so, my policy is I'm paid at the table. If the paying party is out of town and can't be there then either they make arrangements to have payment at the table for me or they pay in advance. The only ones I extend "credit" to for any signing work are law firms, signing services, debt management companies, title companies, etc.
Private individuals pay at the table or in advance.



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