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T O P I C    R E V I E W
available1234 Posted - 10/11/2011 : 05:32:52 AM
Teriel Closings out of Denver is not paying. I was contracted to do a closing for Scott in June of 2011. He sent all this information regarding payment, including the fact that you will be paid within a 30 day period. You needed to send your bill included with the documents. I am sure he was paid on time, however, he spoke to me once and promised to look into the matter. Now, he won't answer the phone, fax or emails. I am hearing nothing regarding payment. I have tried being nice, but so far it has not helped. This company needs to be on the deadbeat list for Non payment.

Audrey Jane Spaulding
22   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pdandachi Posted - 06/20/2018 : 09:18:06 AM
I send a nice email to the company that owes me money the first time and the second time. The third time I threaten to report them to the BBB for breach of contract and send them word for word what their contract states about paying an notary. This seems to get results.

Dandachi Notary Services, LLC
Each day is a new adventure it is your choice to accept it or not.
gbaugh Posted - 11/03/2014 : 12:40:07 PM
Executive Signing Agents, Inc. has not paid me for SIX completed signings. One last November which I had forgotten about. Then when they called me in June, Michelle "sounded" like someone I close loans for and I accepted. Then another and was paid immediately. Then another and another which I was paid immediately. Next thing, I had completed FIVE SIGNINGS AND NO PAY! Fax # no longer works, won't answer my calls. I have done every thing that Carmen suggested and no payment received.
Notaries should be protected just as the borrowers are protected from bad notaries. Something needs to be done on our behalf.
23773 Posted - 04/01/2014 : 1:23:13 PM
I did a signing for Land and Law Group on 1-16-2014 and getting the same run around as everyone else who did a signing for them. I have sent several times now my faxed invoice and left numerous messages as no one answers the phone. Companies like these hope to wear you out and you give up. Well, I sent an email to the South Carolina investigations department with my complaint. These people need to be put out of business. I did leave a voice message after reading through the discussion blog on this company to call Jack Munsey but have not heard back from him. As I write this, he just called back and asked for my invoice directly to his email at jack.munsey@landlawgroup.com I will post again if I receive any payment in fairness to him.

John Szychowski
LindaH Posted - 03/12/2013 : 08:11:57 AM
I found 2 listed in the New York corporations listings. Very important that you make sure you get the right one

lanerocket Posted - 03/12/2013 : 07:57:35 AM
For LindaH, I was hired by the Title Company and I don't think it is owned by an attorney. I do have her name. Thanks for the advice.
lanerocket Posted - 03/12/2013 : 07:51:08 AM
Originally posted by LindaH

Originally posted by lanerocket

I notified the BBB about Rapid Title in New York owing me for signings done in December and they told me they don't handle claims like that. Who else to complain to?

Were you hired directly by them or by an SS?

Write a demand letter to them giving them a drop-dead date for payment. (If hired by an SS, address the letter to the SS with copy to title). Also send a copy (indicated at the bottom of your letter ) to the state regulatory agency for Rapid Title - you'll have to do some research on what agency regulates them - this way the company knows they're on notice and so is their regulatory agency. Also, find out if Rapid Title is owned by an attorney and send a copy of your letter to the New York Bar Association.

Good Luck


LindaH Posted - 03/12/2013 : 07:09:49 AM
Originally posted by lanerocket

I notified the BBB about Rapid Title in New York owing me for signings done in December and they told me they don't handle claims like that. Who else to complain to?

Were you hired directly by them or by an SS?

Write a demand letter to them giving them a drop-dead date for payment. (If hired by an SS, address the letter to the SS with copy to title). Also send a copy (indicated at the bottom of your letter ) to the state regulatory agency for Rapid Title - you'll have to do some research on what agency regulates them - this way the company knows they're on notice and so is their regulatory agency. Also, find out if Rapid Title is owned by an attorney and send a copy of your letter to the New York Bar Association.

Good Luck

lanerocket Posted - 03/12/2013 : 06:58:18 AM
I notified the BBB about Rapid Title in New York owing me for signings done in December and they told me they don't handle claims like that. Who else to complain to?
lanerocket Posted - 02/24/2013 : 1:11:06 PM
I did 2 closings for Rapid Title from upstate NY in December and I haven't been paid. I've called 5 times. I was told that I needed to leave "Margaret" a voice mail as she was very busy. I left 4. Then I called the President/Owner of the company and was told I had to leave her a voice mail also. Her name is Dee. I've done business with them before and they paid well and on time. Should I call the Better Business Bureau? What other recourse do I have?
sandiegocountynotary Posted - 12/06/2012 : 6:31:40 PM
***Urgent: Anyone that is owed money from Final Link or Home Signings, please contact me at notarysd1@gmail(dot)com . Let me know how much you are owed as well. There is a Detective that is on this case and the more people we are, the stonger the case and the faster we get these people. I can give you more info once you email me if you like. Thank you.
johnysam Posted - 11/17/2012 : 10:10:52 PM
Originally posted by MsLisa

I'm shocked to read about how some notaries aren't getting paid and the money that is owed. When I do work for a new company, I make sure I get paid for the first job done or I don't do work again. Always make sure they have a completed W-9 for you or you may not get paid. Ask them for the notary sign on packet, then they will have all your information. Be very careful when reading how they pay. I've seen some that can take as long as 90 days to pay. I don't mind waiting 30-45 days but 90 days is pushing it. Also, if they require an invoice, fax it and save your fax confirmation. If they don't pay, do like Ken and fax your work with invoice to them everyday and don't be afraid to call them and bug them. You should get paid, you did the job!!

Lisa Cirillo

That is right. Working with a company for a month or two will help you figure out how the company is in regards to its payments and you can then make your call. And I quite liked the idea of Kenneth. Bug the companies to force them to pay you rather being bugged.
Its real important to do a good homework before joining a firm in terms of its reputation, pay practices and feed back of ex-employees to get an idea of it. After all when you work, you deserve to be paid and to be paid on time.
johnysam Posted - 11/17/2012 : 10:05:53 PM
Originally posted by MsLisa

I'm shocked to read about how some notaries aren't getting paid and the money that is owed. When I do work for a new company, I make sure I get paid for the first job done or I don't do work again. Always make sure they have a completed W-9 for you or you may not get paid. Ask them for the notary sign on packet, then they will have all your information. Be very careful when reading how they pay. I've seen some that can take as long as 90 days to pay. I don't mind waiting 30-45 days but 90 days is pushing it. Also, if they require an invoice, fax it and save your fax confirmation. If they don't pay, do like Ken and fax your work with invoice to them everyday and don't be afraid to call them and bug them. You should get paid, you did the job!!

Lisa Cirillo

That's right. Your first 2-3 months in the company are more than enough to help you with the paying practices of the company and you can decide yourself with what needs to done next. And i liked the idea of Kenneth. Bug the companies to the extent they feel it better to pay than being bugged
On the serious note its always good to do a good homework before you plan to join a firm. Get to know their reputation, pay practices, and work culture so that you don't come across such issues.
johnysam Posted - 11/17/2012 : 10:04:51 PM
Originally posted by MsLisa

I'm shocked to read about how some notaries aren't getting paid and the money that is owed. When I do work for a new company, I make sure I get paid for the first job done or I don't do work again. Always make sure they have a completed W-9 for you or you may not get paid. Ask them for the notary sign on packet, then they will have all your information. Be very careful when reading how they pay. I've seen some that can take as long as 90 days to pay. I don't mind waiting 30-45 days but 90 days is pushing it. Also, if they require an invoice, fax it and save your fax confirmation. If they don't pay, do like Ken and fax your work with invoice to them everyday and don't be afraid to call them and bug them. You should get paid, you did the job!!

Lisa Cirillo

That's right. Your first 2-3 months in the company are more than enough to help you with the paying practices of the company and you can decide yourself with what needs to done next. And i liked the idea of Kenneth. Bug the companies to the extent they feel it better to pay than being bugged
On the serious note its always good to do a good homework before you plan to join a firm. Get to know their reputation, pay practices, and work culture so that you don't come across such issues.
MsLisa Posted - 11/16/2012 : 12:52:27 PM
I'm shocked to read about how some notaries aren't getting paid and the money that is owed. When I do work for a new company, I make sure I get paid for the first job done or I don't do work again. Always make sure they have a completed W-9 for you or you may not get paid. Ask them for the notary sign on packet, then they will have all your information. Be very careful when reading how they pay. I've seen some that can take as long as 90 days to pay. I don't mind waiting 30-45 days but 90 days is pushing it. Also, if they require an invoice, fax it and save your fax confirmation. If they don't pay, do like Ken and fax your work with invoice to them everyday and don't be afraid to call them and bug them. You should get paid, you did the job!!

Lisa Cirillo
angelk1969 Posted - 10/14/2012 : 10:44:20 PM
Final Links Signing owes me over $2,300 and I have all my invoices to prove it

I would love to join in a lawsuit.

Originally posted by Beegee10

Lidia, I am not a fan of this company but low pay was a problem not getting paid never was. Did you upload your invoice through their website for these jobs?

Originally posted by Ldelrey

One of the company not paying is ALTISOURCE, ATLANTA, GA, I have been waiting since Mar for payment $180 outstanding, also not great with sending E-Doc for a closing.

Lidia R Del Rey

Angels Mobile Notary
Beegee10 Posted - 05/22/2012 : 6:49:16 PM
Lidia, I am not a fan of this company but low pay was a problem not getting paid never was. Did you upload your invoice through their website for these jobs?

Originally posted by Ldelrey

One of the company not paying is ALTISOURCE, ATLANTA, GA, I have been waiting since Mar for payment $180 outstanding, also not great with sending E-Doc for a closing.

Lidia R Del Rey

LindaH Posted - 05/15/2012 : 2:55:19 PM
Originally posted by auddie

Originally posted by Doris_CO

Auddie, can you please tell us the name of the company that hasn't paid you. Is it Teriel or another company? Some of us might have had experience with the company and could give you some advice on how to get your money.

The company is Pacific Document Services, Paul Gambs. His number is disconnected. The escrow company I spoke to said they had heard he wasn't paying the notaries and stopped using him.

I believe the company is out of business and there was a bankruptcy involved - not sure if it was a business or personal filing. Search here - I believe it was posted here.

Ldelrey Posted - 05/15/2012 : 11:24:42 AM
One of the company not paying is ALTISOURCE, ATLANTA, GA, I have been waiting since Mar for payment $180 outstanding, also not great with sending E-Doc for a closing.

Lidia R Del Rey
auddie Posted - 04/14/2012 : 12:59:59 PM
Originally posted by Doris_CO

Auddie, can you please tell us the name of the company that hasn't paid you. Is it Teriel or another company? Some of us might have had experience with the company and could give you some advice on how to get your money.

The company is Pacific Document Services, Paul Gambs. His number is disconnected. The escrow company I spoke to said they had heard he wasn't paying the notaries and stopped using him.
Doris_CO Posted - 12/02/2011 : 9:11:48 PM
Auddie, can you please tell us the name of the company that hasn't paid you. Is it Teriel or another company? Some of us might have had experience with the company and could give you some advice on how to get your money.
auddie Posted - 12/01/2011 : 4:14:53 PM
I am not getting paid for invoices since 8/26. I have called and spoken with one of the owners who promissed to get the invoices paid and acted like he didn't have any idea why they hadn't been paid. That was a month ago. I get no response by email now. I haven't reached anyone by phone either. This is the 2nd business to stiff me this year! It is getting really bad. I wonder if they are going out of business as well. Probably needed the money for their BMW's or something.
edelske Posted - 10/15/2011 : 10:09:11 AM
It's probably illegal, probably harassment, and probably could get me into trouble. However, I did it anyway. I faxed, twice a day every bit of paper and my invoice (about 9 pages) to a "non-responsive" deadbeat. It helps that with my efax or magicjack accounts - outgoing fax cost me nothing.

After 10 days I received an irate phone call demanding I stop faxing. I replied - when I get my check and hung up. Check came 2 days later.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting

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