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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jeninohio Posted - 04/01/2009 : 12:51:06 PM
This is a list of companies that I am trying to get to pay me. I am owed well over $1,000 among them. Can anybody help? This makes me sick to my stomach. My bank also just called me that $300 in checks that I received and deposited bounced. How can companies think that this is okay so do business like this?

Accurate Closing & Processing
Closing Quest
Dynamic Settlement Svcs
Land Options
Signatures Plus

Jennifer Cotsmire
Notary Signing Agent
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
adergan Posted - 06/24/2013 : 10:55:19 AM
I just received payment from Al Tovar. Great communicator and paid under 23 days.

Although I haven't been paid as of yet (just did the signing on Friday, May 24), I find Al to be a reputable person thus far. Took all my calls, responded to all my e-mails, etc. If he didn't care, or wasn't going to pay, why was he spending so much time to make sure the questions to the signing were answered? I will keep you posted as to when I get the payment. But all in all, Al Tovar has been the most responsive person I have dealt with thus far.

adergan Posted - 05/27/2013 : 6:01:39 PM
Originally posted by 22459

I know this topic is old but I just wanted to let everyone know that I did a signing for Accurate Closing Services, Al Tovar, on 3/20/13 and received a check today, 4/6/13. A fair price too.

Teri W.

Although I haven't been paid as of yet (just did the signing on Friday, May 24), I find Al to be a reputable person thus far. Took all my calls, responded to all my e-mails, etc. If he didn't care, or wasn't going to pay, why was he spending so much time to make sure the questions to the signing were answered? I will keep you posted as to when I get the payment. But all in all, Al Tovar has been the most responsive person I have dealt with thus far.

22459 Posted - 04/06/2013 : 7:07:39 PM
I know this topic is old but I just wanted to let everyone know that I did a signing for Accurate Closing Services, Al Tovar, on 3/20/13 and received a check today, 4/6/13. A fair price too.

Teri W.
FCN2008 Posted - 04/18/2009 : 06:42:54 AM
Originally posted by Lisa T.

Originally posted by kandy1099

I would like to know the big secrets in getting paid.
I have been a closing agent for over 5 years, and not until the last year have I ever had to struggle to get paid. I have hundreds of outstanding invoices from last year to this, and have not had any luck! Please anyone with any secrets, please contact me! Thanks!

If you have "hundreds" of outstanding invoices from last year, it sounds to me like you accepted assignments without bothering to research those companies payment history and track record. If I accept an assignment while I'm out and about, I will go to the notary forums and research their track record once I return home. If the research reveals that the company is a deadbeat, I call and give the job back. There are companies out there with at least a year of bad press.

I practice the same as Lisa T. If I receive a call while I am out I tentatively accept the assignment (I tell them I need to check my schedule and I will call them back when I get to my office) then I do a "background check" on that company when I am back at my office and then make an executive decision based on what pops up. Then I will call them back and politely excuse myself from the assignment if it bad news. You can also familiarize yourself with the names listed in this forum and when you get a call from one of them you can not accept it from the get-go.

One method I use to get paid on outstanding invoices is I write a letter regarding "Theft of Services" and send it to the LO, title company, broker, and of course copy the signing company, etc anyone who was part of the closing, except the borrower (last resort). In my opinion, it is like I am going to small claims court where no attorneys are allowed and you have to represent yourself and theft of services I would list as the cause for my legal action but without going to court. If I did end up in small claims court, personally I would claim theft of services instead of breach of contract or even both.
Lisa T. Posted - 04/17/2009 : 5:51:32 PM
Originally posted by kandy1099

I would like to know the big secrets in getting paid.
I have been a closing agent for over 5 years, and not until the last year have I ever had to struggle to get paid. I have hundreds of outstanding invoices from last year to this, and have not had any luck! Please anyone with any secrets, please contact me! Thanks!

If you have "hundreds" of outstanding invoices from last year, it sounds to me like you accepted assignments without bothering to research those companies payment history and track record. If I accept an assignment while I'm out and about, I will go to the notary forums and research their track record once I return home. If the research reveals that the company is a deadbeat, I call and give the job back. There are companies out there with at least a year of bad press.
kandy1099 Posted - 04/17/2009 : 3:38:48 PM
I would like to know the big secrets in getting paid.
I have been a closing agent for over 5 years, and not until the last year have I ever had to struggle to get paid. I have hundreds of outstanding invoices from last year to this, and have not had any luck! Please anyone with any secrets, please contact me! Thanks!

FCN2008 Posted - 04/06/2009 : 06:42:32 AM
Originally posted by jeninohio

This is a list of companies that I am trying to get to pay me. I am owed well over $1,000 among them. Can anybody help? This makes me sick to my stomach. My bank also just called me that $300 in checks that I received and deposited bounced. How can companies think that this is okay so do business like this?

Accurate Closing & Processing
Closing Quest
Dynamic Settlement Svcs
Land Options
Signatures Plus

Jennifer Cotsmire
Notary Signing Agent

Hello Jennifer,
You have very few options in which to collect payment from these companies. Nothing is a gaurantee but real close to 100% of getting paid.

If you contact me I can direct you to these resources.
Ann Marie
lkassis Posted - 04/01/2009 : 5:06:33 PM
Sorry, but if you have been in the business any length of time and are coming to these forums, AND have done work for sox, signature plus, and LIA, I can't feel for you not getting paid. Sox, LIA and Signature Plus have been known for non-payment for well over a year now. Closing Quest and LIA have been posted about numerous times over the past several months.

You have to be wise with your business choices else suffer the consequences.

Sorry to sound so blunt.

Linda Kassis
United Notary Association (UNAA)

If you are not riding the wave of change, you may find yourself under it. Ride the wave with the UNAA.

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