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 The Notary Depot / Ontario, California

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
n/a Posted - 03/11/2008 : 5:12:06 PM
Hello to all -

This is my first post and said to say on not a good note. I did a signing (Re-Fi) right after Thanksgiving in Nov. for The Notary Depot. First closing and well the last. I cannot get in contact with anyone at the company. I have left a voicemail on each extension, with no return. I have faxed my invoice and their order numerous times and since Jan. with PAST DUE in very big bold print. I have mailed it to them - regular mail and it never comes back. So then I thought I should send it Certified Mail and I did. The status of the CM is that it could not be delivered to the address (what it says online) and is being returned. It is the exact address on their order. It does say on the order the original Title Co. and says do not contact them for any reason. That is whom I Fed-Ex'd the docs to. Should I try to contact the Title Co.? I'm at a loss, as what to do next. Any help / advice would be great.


Katy B. Wheeler
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jbelmont Posted - 05/21/2011 : 3:06:00 PM
Read our review of the notary depot


dfye@mcttelecom.com Posted - 03/14/2008 : 06:56:57 AM
A good place to get lender info may be in your journal. Did you check there? My journal contains every bank/lender involved in the loan.

Legal Eagle Para Professional Services
tidarod Posted - 03/13/2008 : 8:35:54 PM
I only say I can't make promises because Ontario is big city and I am 2 or 3 cities over. But I will try if I get a chance.
tidarod Posted - 03/13/2008 : 8:34:34 PM
I live near Ontario. I can't make any promises but I will try to check out the address. what is the name and address you have for them?
LindaH Posted - 03/11/2008 : 8:28:35 PM
Not hairy..it'll take some research on your part but you should be able to find the info you need...you have the property address and the owners' names - should be all you need to find out of that DOT was ever recorded...the internet and Google are wonderful tools.

n/a Posted - 03/11/2008 : 7:37:26 PM
That is were it gets kind of hairy, as the borrowers were re-financing their home in California, while they were on a job in Texas. They wanted to get it done, so The Notary Depot contacted me here in Texas to take care of the re-finance while they were in Texas. The property we were signing on is actually in California.

Katy B. Wheeler
LindaH Posted - 03/11/2008 : 7:23:05 PM
I would check the public records to see if the mortgage/DOT (whatever's required in TX) got recorded - then you have proof to refute any claims of "loan didn't fund"...however, when you say "but do have the client's info. in which I did the signing with. Should I try to contact them to see if it did go through..." if you're referring to the borrowers, no, I would not contact them..unless some arrangements were made for them to pay you separately, they're out of the loop...it's on the company that contracted you or the TC/Lender.

n/a Posted - 03/11/2008 : 6:58:44 PM
This, The Notary Depot is out of California. I did a search online for The Notary Depot in Jan. and got a site, but I emailed the company and a gentleman replied back and said that was not his company that they were in a different part of California.

I will attempt calling the Title Company and go from there, as I do not have the lender info. available, but do have the client's info. in which I did the signing with. Should I try to contact them to see if it did go through and / or if they knew anything?

Thanks for the advice -

Katy Wheeler
Mobile Notary

Katy B. Wheeler
LindaH Posted - 03/11/2008 : 6:16:05 PM
Absolutely...contact the TC immediately..and I'd contact the Lender, too, and the Loan Officer if you have that info....make sure you provide them with copies of the documentation of your attempts to collect this debt.

I thought The Notary Depot was another website, not a signing service.


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