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 los angeles collection service, inc.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
n/a Posted - 01/28/2008 : 11:18:30 AM
Since 1975, Los Angeles Collecion Service Inc. has made a commitment to the conscientious and ethical pursuit of account collections for its clients. Los Angeles Collection Service Inc. continually demonstrates strict compliance with the statutes and regulations of FDCPA and prides itself on its ability to avoid unnecessary harassment of consumers. Los Angeles Collecion Service Inc. prides itself on its up to date computer technology and by exemplifying the highest standards of professionalism.

We can report to all 3 major credit bureaus. We work on a percentage basis. No other costs or fees.

No Collection. No Charge.
$40.00 Minimum

Please contact Richard Hoffman, President
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
paulcr Posted - 03/19/2012 : 2:21:15 PM
Does anyone know if Los Angeles Collecion Service Inc. is still in business and working with notarys?

Thanks :)
jbelmont Posted - 02/18/2009 : 1:36:32 PM
I haven't heard from anyone. You can be the first and then let us know what happened.

12042 Posted - 02/17/2009 : 11:14:17 PM
Has any notary or loan signing agent actually used this collections company in Los Angeles that is recommended on here? - Thanks

"The Nicest Notaries in Texas, That Go To You 24/7!"

jbelmont Posted - 04/18/2008 : 9:21:34 PM
I hope our notaries are taking advantage of the collection agency. They are very helpful. It is worth a shot.
marwells Posted - 02/29/2008 : 12:26:20 AM
I spoke with Richard Hoffman and have sent them an account for collection. It's worth a shot since this is a "skip" situation and they will have the tools to track them down.
sperez40 Posted - 02/27/2008 : 04:37:28 AM
Anyone hear from this collection agency? I have not heard from them since I sent an e-mail on 2/25.

sperez40 Posted - 02/25/2008 : 12:27:47 PM
Sent an e-mail for him to contact me

n/a Posted - 02/25/2008 : 04:19:17 AM
Sent an email for him to contact me.

Please don't sweat the small stuff! It will get better in the end!
wlbsr Posted - 02/25/2008 : 02:05:27 AM
Originally posted by jbelmont

Has anyone called the collection agency yet? I would like to hear feedback.

I just sent him a e-mail with my information for him to contact me. 02/25/2008 11:00 A.M.
Walter L. Butler, Pa.
lightk Posted - 02/25/2008 : 12:57:19 AM
Thanks for the info - I will contact Richard Hoffman today.
marwells Posted - 02/25/2008 : 12:43:38 AM
Thanks for this. We really need a source for collections.
I'm going to contact him.
kandy1099 Posted - 02/24/2008 : 11:57:30 PM
I have a collections from November, but I tried calling the company and their number was disconnected, how am I supposed to get paid? They owe me $125.00, not worth paying any legals fees or anything for such a small amount, but I would like to get paid, especially since times are soooooooo slow.
So what is the answer? How do I get paid from a company that looks like they went out of business?
I pretty sure I know the answer, but hey maybe there is something I don't know... :)
radonotary Posted - 02/23/2008 : 09:44:27 AM
nope; what's the deal on the clock?
jbelmont Posted - 02/23/2008 : 07:21:46 AM
Has anyone called the collection agency yet? I would like to hear feedback.
jbelmont Posted - 02/12/2008 : 5:00:38 PM
Please contact this company if you need collections done.
radonotary Posted - 01/29/2008 : 09:41:51 AM
OK, what's his information?
jbelmont Posted - 01/28/2008 : 11:23:37 AM
I have spoken with Richard from Los Angeles Collection Service several times and he is very helpful and will take cases of any size. I invited him to post on the forum so that the Notaries could benefit from his company. I encourage all notaries to use them so that the signing companies will get the message that they have to pay up!!!

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