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jbelmont Posted - 10/13/2004 : 04:33:57 AM
Please reply to this post by stating your experience with 123notary.com and what type of listing you have.
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LindaH Posted - 11/03/2012 : 3:57:58 PM
Originally posted by paralegal01

I have not received any calls yet, I am sad because I know this is one of the best sites for signings. I guess I will be more patient and see what happens. I live in PA.

Anne E. Jablonski

Anne, how many listings do you have? Just this one or do you have many many? I have 2 paid listings and innumerable free listings.

Do you have a website? Key in today's world. Also, are all your profiles complete? Do they give a good account of your ability and express a good argument for why companies should hire YOU?

A friend of mine mentioned on FB the other day - she picked up a tax client from her listing on Angie's List!! Never gave that a thought - I now have a listing on Angie's List.. :)

Do you contact companies or do you just list? You should be signing up with as many companies as you can. They may never call you or they may never meet your fee, but the more lists you're on the better chance you have of being called.

Every listing you have increases your internet presence, which in turn will increase your calls.

Just some thoughts.

jbelmont Posted - 11/03/2012 : 3:31:39 PM
If you get REVIEWS on your listing, miracles can happen. Ask your best clients for reviews today! Send them a link to your review page. A better notes section can work miracles as well! not to mention 123notary certification which makes a big impression on the site's browsers.

paralegal01 Posted - 10/30/2012 : 7:03:21 PM
I have not received any calls yet, I am sad because I know this is one of the best sites for signings. I guess I will be more patient and see what happens. I live in PA.

Anne E. Jablonski
joanbergst Posted - 04/28/2008 : 11:13:00 PM
No question that this is the best website to get notary/loan signer work!

Joan Bergstrom
24/7 To Riverside & San Bernardino Counties.
State Notary exam teacher for www.notaryclasses.com
Cell: 951-522-4919
surferwoman1 Posted - 04/25/2008 : 3:08:53 PM
123Notary is the best website in my opinion. I get many calls from this website. I'm listed here on 123Notary. Thanks, Jeremy. D.D.
AZSigner Posted - 01/06/2008 : 1:41:53 PM
I also received a loan signing call the very day I was listed here on 123Notary. This is without a doubt the best site to be listed on, and I would highly recommend getting the highest preferential listing available in your county because it WILL pay for itself very quickly. (Most companies start with the first person and then go down the list until they find the person available.)

If you get high-place listings here on 123Notary and invest money in a good Yellow Pages ad with red lettering and white background, you will do well in this business.

Don't waste your money on other internet notary directories.
snoopdogMs Posted - 01/06/2008 : 08:45:29 AM
I have been with 123 Notary about a year now and many of my clients say that they found my name on 123Notary. Best money spent so far in marketing and I am also certified with this site.
nancym Posted - 01/06/2008 : 06:04:40 AM
, This is the best website for me. I have been a member for 5 yrs. now and this is where companies find me. Great site. Great people. THANK YOU JEREMY
marwells Posted - 10/08/2007 : 06:49:29 AM
From my experience 123Notary is still the #1 spot and where most of my business comes from. I've signed up for numerous other sites to get more exposure, but the results haven't been favorable. I do think Jeremy is running the best site!

To Joye -- I got Certified with 123Notary before I did NNA. It is really important to have that icon @ your name. I have had several companies that use only the "certifieds" from the site. IMO, it is more than worth it to do the certification, and it is not nearly as complicated as the NNA. I actually gained the most knowledge from it, and have used a lot of it in my "script" for signings. Just be prepared, it is a timed test.
crtowles Posted - 09/16/2007 : 2:18:08 PM
Hi Joye,

Get certified. It really makes a difference. It is only 3.00 now so take advantage of this while it lasts.

n/a Posted - 09/14/2007 : 11:32:50 PM
Jeremy, I have gotten a good number of closings from 123notary. I am a certified notary signing agent with the NNA so I didn't feel like I needed to get another certification, but if it will increase my business, I may.
n/a Posted - 08/12/2007 : 03:07:24 AM
Yes I think your site is great but I have not got many signing from this site
timgatewood Posted - 04/30/2007 : 11:20:02 AM
Next to my own website, which is maximized for certain relevant keywords, I get more calls from new clients off 123notary than any other site. It could be that 123notary has almost as long a track record as signingagent.com; it could be that it is simple to use; it could be any number of things. All I know is that I am going to upgrade my membership and take the test to get certified here asap. KUTGW, Jeremy !!

Notary Memphis
Serving Memphis & west Tenn.
joanbergst Posted - 03/26/2007 : 3:27:30 PM
Thanks Carmen
You are best!!

This website is the site to advertise on!!

Joan A Bergstrom
crtowles Posted - 03/25/2007 : 12:49:26 AM
Hi Shannon,

I think that you are already but I will make sure. I will call also call you next week.

Shannon Posted - 03/24/2007 : 3:15:56 PM
Activate me too please Carmen?

crtowles Posted - 03/24/2007 : 1:03:23 PM
Hi Joan,

You are already activated. I had Jeremy do this a few days ago since you have sent so many folks to me thus far. I had planned to call you to go over how to refer from your admin area. I will call you next week with detailed instructions.

joanbergst Posted - 03/24/2007 : 11:30:44 AM
Where is the administrative section? I must be the only one that couldn't figure out where you sign up with this program. Help me out!

Joan A Bergstrom
jbelmont Posted - 03/14/2007 : 3:11:22 PM
Thanks for your posts everybody!!! Please benefit yourselves by joining our referral rewards program. Its free. Its quick and easy to use, and if people you refer sign up, then you can get big discounts or free things!!! You just type someone's email address in your admin section ( on the correct page please ) and send them an invitation and your part is done. Please ask me to "activate" you. Thanks again.
macdeux Posted - 03/07/2007 : 04:02:36 AM
For whatever reason, I used to think signingagent.com was the end-all, be-all for directories. I couldn't have been more wrong. Don't get me wrong, still think that's a great resource as well, but once signed up with 123notary a few months ago, I *immediately* started getting more calls, more signings. I received 2 1/2 times more business. 123, you've made me a firm believer in what you have to offer. Don't know how you did it, but keep doing it! Carmen and others on the forums have also been extremely helpful with their input. It is much appreciated!
LIZBETH Posted - 01/30/2007 : 01:57:28 AM
kellyjmt Posted - 01/17/2007 : 01:07:45 AM
Hi Gavina,

Thanks for your reply. It sounds like upgrading was well worth it for you. The top two positions are taken but I may look into the third. At least that gets me into the top three!
Of new client calls nearly all of them say they saw me in 123notary but the majority of my calls are repeat clients. I would like to get more new client calls so this seems the best way. Thanks again!
GF_CA Posted - 01/16/2007 : 8:01:11 PM
Hello Kelly, I sign up with 123notary back in march last year, I was (if I remember correct)9th position and, I use to get 3-4 call for month, then I upgrade my positition to 6TH. More call came...well now I'm first and in 2 weeks this month I got already 22 calls. Do you think is worth it?

kellyjmt Posted - 01/16/2007 : 03:42:19 AM
Hi everyone!

I've been on 123 notary for 2 years now and get many wonderful leads from my listing. I have a P# 14 and am in 8th position in my area. Do you think I would see a good increase in calls from upgrading my position? The price has held me back but I would like to increase my monthly signings (35-40 per month now.) What has been the response to upgrading? Is it worth it?

Thanks for any feedback,
n/a Posted - 01/01/2007 : 2:44:50 PM
Yes I agree

Mina Ranabhat

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