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T O P I C    R E V I E W
n/a Posted - 01/06/2010 : 11:51:13 AM
I am a new notary starting out and would like to know what the notaries are charging in my area in this economy for loan docs. Also, what's the best inexpensive laser printer to start out with?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lisa T. Posted - 01/06/2010 : 8:55:30 PM
Make sure your laser printer has PCL6 drivers.
vince Posted - 01/06/2010 : 8:10:54 PM
Laser Printer - If you are looking for a "starter printer" many folks like the Brother Dual Tray Laser Printers available on sale at various outlets - as well as through the typical vendors such as E-Bay, Amazon, Newegg and so on. If yopu have large printing needs regularly, many prefer a larger capacity unity from HP or Lexmark. Have you started looking at what's out there yet?

You might also do a search on this and other notary web sites by simply entering the word "printer" as it is discussed fairly often and sometimes include specific model numbers.
joanbergst Posted - 01/06/2010 : 7:55:31 PM
I am a notary in Riverside Ca and the price range is the same as it is in most of the United States. It ranges anywhere from $75 to $200 with a few companies below that amount and few companies above the $200 amount.

Joan Bergstrom
24/7 To Riverside & San Bernardino Counties.
CA State Notary Exam Instructor For www.notaryclasses.com
Cell: 951-522-4919

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