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marwells Posted - 10/08/2007 : 07:04:15 AM
I joined NotaryCafe because one of my regular ss uses their format. I now have several companies working from that site. The logon to pick up docs, do completion reports, etc. is just the greatest thing I have dealt with in this business so far.
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SigningAgentCoach Posted - 06/30/2013 : 5:05:43 PM
I get tons of work from Notary Cafe, only second to 123 and the fee is VERY reasonable.

I'd LOVE to know the companies that use them - it's SO EASY to sign up if you have a NC account.

Two new ones I added are: Wise Settlement Services and Archimerc LLC

Kelly Robertson,
California Notary Public
(951) 317-0125
AKnotary Posted - 04/06/2012 : 3:31:42 PM
I received an order a few weeks ago as a result of my free posting at Notary Cafe. On that basis I subscribed to Notary Cafe (1 order pays for the subscription). The very next day I received another order from Notary Cafe.

Vicki Kluever
NNA Certified Notary Signing Agent in Alaska
907) 539-7111
sigtogo Posted - 03/18/2012 : 7:00:13 PM
I signed up with Notary Cafe in January and have not received any calls from their site. when I search notaries in Oregon, their site is not even in the search results.
jbelmont Posted - 11/19/2011 : 9:10:25 PM
Here is a new blog entry entitled:
Notary Cafe - it's features and filters


17516 Posted - 05/17/2011 : 10:09:07 AM
I have 4 great companies that found me directly on NotaryCafe.com -- well worth the money to be a member in my opinion


Visit my site:

I am not an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Texas,
and I may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice.
jbelmont Posted - 05/15/2011 : 11:40:19 PM
Take a look at our review of notarycafe.com!

KanDoNotary Posted - 06/04/2010 : 07:27:45 AM
I've noticed several of the signing companies I work with have a connection with NotaryCafe--same look and any changes made to one changes the other.

So, I think NotaryCafe is helping SS find me. Hopefully it also raises my search rating too.

Have Seal, Kan Travel! When you need a document notarized, I cover all of NE Oklahoma from I-35 to I-40 to the state borders. Call: 918-798-8908.
joanbergst Posted - 06/03/2010 : 8:07:21 PM
I think that notarycafe.com is still a good website to advertise on
but remember this is a website along with others that you need to update your profile every month.


Joan Bergstrom
24/7 To Riverside & San Bernardino Counties.
CA State Notary Exam Instructor For www.notaryclasses.com
Cell: 951-522-4919
yngnotary Posted - 04/15/2010 : 10:20:04 AM
I like the way their website is setup. I spoke to the owner several times and he is very helpful. Unfortunately I have not received any calls from my listing on their site. I can't say that it's paid for itself. I don't think I will renew my listing there any time soon.
vince Posted - 08/31/2009 : 09:01:52 AM
I don't agree that the notaries on Notary Cafe are "ranked" based upon the number of closures done. That would be up to the person viewing the data. Instead, it appears as though they are found using the traditional zip code search. Other information may assist a scheduler in finding an active notary. The data provides a percentage based upon how complete the notary profile is (that is mentioned on many sites as important), whether the notary is certified or not (I have no idea what organizations they accept certification from - but the one from 123 is likely more recognized as an achievement than alphabets'), how many title companies or others use the notary (currently have them on a personal list) and yes, how many closures have been completed in the last 3 and last 12 months. What is interesting to me is that there is not much relationship based upon the number of lists that someone is on compared to the closings completed. For instance, one notary may be on only 2 lists but has 30 closed loans in the last year, while another is on 12 lists and has completed only 10. Hopefully, there is more closings being assigned from other sources as I doubt that anyone will get by on 30 per year. Other information is provided as well. I don't see the number of closures completed as a ranking so much as whether the notary is active or not. If they are very active, for a lot of people, and do not have any feedback, I see that as significant.

I don't receive many calls from my listing on Notary Cafe, but I receive enough to warrant maintaining a listing there. I’ve read many times of Notaries that have accomplished 5,500 closings. However, the experience they have may have been limited to one or two companies. When operating in more rural areas, it is important that the notary has a broad range of experience as there are many nuances to the documents that may not be noticed by a notary with limited, one company closings.
PWinFL Posted - 08/31/2009 : 05:39:25 AM
I have major heartburn over the scoring of a signing agent based on how many assignments they have completed for the companies listed by any website. Why? Signing agents in urban areas certainly will have more opportunities than those in rural areas. And those with less competition may have more opportunities than those with a very long list of competitors. Finally, a 'low' count of assignments on one website, may not be reflective of actual performance.

IMO, in our community, attempting to analyze and rank signing agents, with blinders on, is paramount to herding cats.

Never drive any faster than your guardian angel can fly.

I am not an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Florida,
and I may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice.

Visit us online at http://www.PAWnotary.com
joanbergst Posted - 08/30/2009 : 9:49:19 PM
I like this website and have gotten many assignments.

I don't think any company is going to openly rate a loan signer on either notarycafe.com or 123notary. I think this feature is meaningless.

The reason to do the public notary work feature (pay $24.95 per year) is to choose 4 additional zip codes to be included in additional to your office zip code, that is the default zipcode.

I know my office zip code 92507 has very few loan signings available because it includes the University of California and mostly industrial and retail areas.

Joan Bergstrom
24/7 To Riverside & San Bernardino Counties.
CA State Notary Exam Instructor For www.notaryclasses.com
Cell: 951-522-4919
vince Posted - 07/28/2009 : 8:50:21 PM
Notary Cafe has some different features that are interesting. For instance, they yielded to the pressure to allow for comments regarding individual notaries available long before 123 did. But, like 123, very few, if any, actual comments have been made per notary if you search the various "public" areas.

One item that may be useful to those needing notaries is the "scoreboard" connection to the website by various vendors and how many of them have the notary on a "personal list." Another is how many assignments the notary has been provided from the site over the last 12 months - and over the last 3 months - and if any of them warranted a comment. It is easy to see how much work has picked up when you compare the last three months with the entire last year.

Not very many notaries have information provided "publicly." If you arn't public, very few can view anything about you - as information is apparently only open to "the vendors."
Kelly Posted - 10/25/2007 : 1:34:01 PM
I've recieved work from my listing at NotaryCafe too. Good thing since my membership renews are all coming due and since the slowdown, I plan to be pretty picky about who gets my money.


Kelly Robertson, California Notary Education Instructor
One-of-a-Kind, "How To" Workshops for New Notaries & Signing Agents @ http://www.LoanSigner101.com

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