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jeninohio Posted - 12/18/2015 : 07:40:24 AM
Has anybody done work for them? Looks like they are out of CA.

Jennifer Cotsmire
Notary Signing Agent
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mihaelamillette Posted - 08/04/2017 : 09:50:34 AM
I received today a text from snapdocs with the notary pool if I'm available on Monday for assigning. I decline at first because it was only $65 a refi. But after seeing all the reviews I told them not to contact me in the future. If a company doesn't appreciate the hard work a notary signing agent does, I just refuse to work with them. There are other good companies that do appreciate our hard work.

Mihaela Millette
rafa2910 Posted - 04/26/2017 : 1:56:01 PM
I leave financial industry in 2008 and now I am returning. I see a lot of problem with payments to the Closer Agents. but. Why nobody put to this signing service companies claims with DBPR (Department of Business professional Relations ) of the state of the company or The Federal Trade Comission?
The name in every state is different but the Dpt exist. Let me to know about.May be I not know all the issue.

Rafael N Varona
26351 Posted - 03/02/2017 : 09:50:25 AM
You know there is a problem with a company when they have an answering service. I have been trying to get paid on two orders that were done back in July 2016. Not much luck getting replies.

Michael W. Charles
cndyhny Posted - 01/26/2017 : 1:49:45 PM
DO NOT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY... unless you like working for free and being lied to by the owners.
they owe me $400 for signings I performed for them going back 9 months- I know my fault for letting it get so far.
John Hoyt is the owner and his personal cell is 949-933-8605. everyone needs to call him and demand payment.
my next step is to contact the FTC and AG in California to report them .

102740 Posted - 01/24/2017 : 6:58:40 PM
I did a closing for The Notary Pool back in October, still not paid. I spoke with Jackie Hanson in accounting. She said she just took over the accounting dept and that it was left in such a mess and that she is trying to sort through all the outstanding payments due and to be patient with her and that she has every intention of paying me. That was 3 weeks ago and nothing yet. Yesterday I sent an email asking for an ETA on payment with no reply back...we shall see. I won't do anymore closings for them!

Kimberly J Brennan
BluffCityNotaries Posted - 12/09/2016 : 04:27:53 AM
I did a job for the Notary Pool on 8/22 and still have not been paid. We're now over 100 days out. The assignment was a decent distance away, and the file did not close. The borrower spoke with his LO for about 30 minutes before coming to that conclusion. All told, it was about an hour and a half of my time.

I was told by Fabrian that the Notary Pool would pay a trip fee of $35.00. The Snapdocs order was updated to this amount after my conversation with him. About an hour later the order was cancelled on Snapdocs. I immediately called Fabrian and asked why it was cancelled. I was told that they did not want to pay the listing fee for an order that did not close, but that it would not impact my payment.

So far I have emailed (gotten the canned response), and called several times. Every time I get forwarded to a voicemail box, or simply told that the message was being forwarded to John. I'm guessing I will have to end up eating this time and minuscule fee, but I'll be sure to call Title and let them know.

I should have thought twice after I did a job for the Notary Pool on 4/25 and did not receive payment until 7/6 after the same runaround. Unless you want to have to put extensive effort into chasing down low fees, I highly recommend you avoid this company like the plague.
pslnotary Posted - 11/03/2016 : 08:45:44 AM
Still have not received payment from them for work done in August turning i over to my attorney today.

Dawn Steinhurst
Notary_Narayan Posted - 10/22/2016 : 11:11:00 AM
This is a worst company , and they use a 45 day credit model to pay already discounted notary fees. I dont know how long they can keep up this ponzi model.

I would advise other notaries to NOT accept, and if they accepted, then send the package with a COD delivery, instead of the fedex prepaid mailer.

They pay FEDEX to get the payment for this package? Simple as that.
marilynlee1 Posted - 07/28/2016 : 10:11:29 AM
Originally posted by AKnotary

I just received payment for 2 jobs done, 1 in February 2106 and the other in March 2016. 90-120 days for payment is not acceptable! Wish I had checked here before accepting their work.

Vicki Kluever
NNA Certified Notary Signing Agent in Alaska
907) 539-7111

I have not been paid either. I emailed, called, put message on their accounting website and no response. They still text me to do more business and I write back that I have not yet been paid so "no". Seems like a common scenerio here.
M. Larsen
AKnotary Posted - 07/11/2016 : 12:25:43 PM
I just received payment for 2 jobs done, 1 in February 2106 and the other in March 2016. 90-120 days for payment is not acceptable! Wish I had checked here before accepting their work.

Vicki Kluever
NNA Certified Notary Signing Agent in Alaska
907) 539-7111
wac283 Posted - 06/28/2016 : 11:34:07 AM
I just did my first signing with this company. I've uploaded my invoice to SnapDocs, which shares with the lender and title. It seemed to work before with another company that was slow, so hopefully this will expedite payment.

Cheryl M Sievers
Montafonsteve Posted - 06/06/2016 : 09:54:35 AM
Be very careful with this company. They are now 90 days in arrears for just one job I did for them. I write each week and have been "promised" they would pay. Avoid them at all cost, unless you like to work for free.

James Steven Ramey
edelske Posted - 05/31/2016 : 03:09:20 AM
Originally posted by DOCSONTHEFLY

They are looking for suckers. Since yesterday I have been receiving cattle calls on Snapdocs, the fee ran from $75 TO $400. Obviously no one was responding. I asked for $150.00 + Pay Pal before dropping Docs, but got no response instead they kept on running up the fee to $400.00. This morning they dropped it back down to $75. On the last Cattle call this evening it was back up to $105.00. Guess they don't plan on paying the sucker who takes the job.

re: I asked for $150.00 + Pay Pal before dropping Docs

I would never make that arrangement. If, for whatever reason, you do not receive the PayPal payment - what do you do? NOT dropping the docs can put you in a precarious legal position. My policy is that the assignment does not go on my calendar until payment is received. That give "them" a reason to pay quickly. It also protects my schedule from "I'll get back to you" BS.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
DOCSONTHEFLY Posted - 05/10/2016 : 4:36:34 PM
They are looking for suckers. Since yesterday I have been receiving cattle calls on Snapdocs, the fee ran from $75 TO $400. Obviously no one was responding. I asked for $150.00 + Pay Pal before dropping Docs, but got no response instead they kept on running up the fee to $400.00. This morning they dropped it back down to $75. On the last Cattle call this evening it was back up to $105.00. Guess they don't plan on paying the sucker who takes the job.
LJCPA Posted - 04/11/2016 : 4:31:39 PM
Did work for them in Jan 2016. They paid after 90 days via "e-check". However, I did confuse them with "The Notary Spot" previously.

esnotary Posted - 04/11/2016 : 2:48:35 PM
Had them on the phone and looked at this post. I read him what was written here and told them they'd have to find another notary that appreciates not being paid!

jfugal Posted - 01/31/2016 : 6:16:06 PM
Yes. I've done 9 jobs for them since July 2015


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