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 123 Throws some of us under the bus in my opinion

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jackiehinchey Posted - 07/09/2013 : 04:34:07 AM
I was reading on your site today and found a place where you explain to lenders, title companies, etc.. how to use the site and found this....

123Notary wrote.....
Since our list of notaries generally has more experienced and full time signing agents near the top of the list, it would be logical to find notary public listings by searching from the top down. Notaries near the bottom of the list usually either have a free trial, are from a neighboring area, or let their membership lapse even though they would still be commissioned and keeping their listing information current. Although you can find notary public listings at the bottom of the list that might be very good, the ones near the top of the list would be a more reliable bet to start with, as they make their notary work as a priority in their lives. Now, you know how to find a notary public using the best techniques, as well as where to find a notary public.

I personally felt like because my listing is the last on your list that this speaks volumes to potential clients!!! For you to say that because I didn't use YOUR site before now that I may not be reliable or a good bet is just plain WRONG!! You have no idea how much work I have put into my business now or even in the past... all you know for sure is that I didn't use 123 notary to advertise!! I bust my behind to make my business successful and as a matter of fact have more reviews from clients than any other notary listed in my area and this really made me angry!! You should really think about re-wording those statements!!!!

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jbelmont Posted - 07/11/2013 : 2:25:54 PM
Hi Jackie,
You have a FREE listing on our site. You are lucky that we list you at all considering that we are working for you for free. Are you willing to work for others for free? Many notaries behave as if we owe them something.

You have the right to upgrade if you like.
Or just keep your free listing.
But, beggars can not be choosers and you are requesting valuable assets to be handed out to you on a silver platter at no cost. It doesn't work that way in the real world.

We are happy to offer many types of free services to our notaries. But, don't ask for more than what is given, especially if you are not paying us a penny.

jackiehinchey Posted - 07/11/2013 : 12:22:56 PM
Jeremy.... In my particular area I am on the bottom of the list. NOT ONE PERSON on that page pays for their listing. I have you to know I am VERY serious about my job and work VERY hard to make it what it is and I take offense to you saying otherwise!!!!! I update my listing almost weekly and you really have no right to say what anyone on your site may or may not be doing. I checked into PAYING to move up. $270...for one single zip code... joke! I cover about 30 zip codes so if I pay for all your top spots I go broke so to speak. You are WRONG in this case and I am angry that you would say bad things about people you don't know!

jbelmont Posted - 07/10/2013 : 1:20:29 PM
People on 123notary on the bottom of the list are either not that serious or not in that area. If you are looking for a notary, do you want someone who means it, or someone who has a free listing who won't even update their notes section or get a single review. Think about it from THEIR perspective. 123notary is about quality and NOT about pleasing people who are not even trying!

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