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 Newbie Question about loan Docs

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jsanc2075 Posted - 01/12/2017 : 07:11:28 AM
Can someone tell me what the average page length of an FHA/VA mortgage loan? Or # of pages in general for any loan...just an average would be fine.

For those starting out without printers, does anyone have any experience with Staples Copy Center or Fedex Office? Is it a viable option to buying a printer?

Any help would be appreciated!

Jeffrey Sanchez
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LJCPA Posted - 01/20/2017 : 5:22:08 PM

Sometimes you're in a pinch and you need to print docs on the run. If you sign up with Jennifer Glover of Prestige Notaries, I think that's the name of her Signing Service, you can tag on to her rewards program and print copies for as little as 2.5 cents per copy at Staples.

Originally posted by jsanc2075

Thank you for the great advice! I crunched the #'s and it's definitely not cost effective to have Staples do the printing.

I just ordered a Brother DCPL2540DW wireless monochrome laser printer. It takes letter and legal and runs about 30ppm. It was a great price and it should be great for me to start off with.

Jeffrey Sanchez

LindaH Posted - 01/18/2017 : 2:18:03 PM
Client copy can be letter size front and back - but keep this in mind....if an error is made during the signing of the "main" loan package, your only recourse at the table is to take a fresh page from the borrower's package copy and swap them out; and believe me, mistakes DO happen at the table because the borrowers don't always listen and follow directions.

You're far better off to set your printer up to print the package how it was scanned - pull legal when needed, swap to letter when needed - and print the borrower's package the same way. This way when (not if) the inevitable mistake is made, you have at least one copy you can fall back on. If you can't get your printer set up properly, then print two packages all on legal; the difference in cost here is really minimal.

jsanc2075 Posted - 01/18/2017 : 1:42:59 PM
Another question, so the client copy can be in letter size, Back & front?

And the title company copy has to be in legal, front only? Are there situations where the title company copy can be on letter paper?

Jeffrey Sanchez
jsanc2075 Posted - 01/16/2017 : 06:18:41 AM
Thank you for the great advice! I crunched the #'s and it's definitely not cost effective to have Staples do the printing.

I just ordered a Brother DCPL2540DW wireless monochrome laser printer. It takes letter and legal and runs about 30ppm. It was a great price and it should be great for me to start off with.

Jeffrey Sanchez
edelske Posted - 01/16/2017 : 01:51:15 AM
Your printer should be able to have both letter and legal trays mounted at the same time. My "old" HP LJ 4100 workhorse has been running for 10+ years. "print speed" is relatively unimportant - they are all fast enough with 25+ pages per minute. DO NOT get an "inkjet" printer - they are slow and costly to feed. Also avoid color printers - same issue. Frankly, a "signing agent" without a printer just don't work. When I bought my printer I paid a bit more to have the shop "fine tune" my "used gently" unit. Result: almost never jams. Paying someone else to print is really not a realistic option.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
maureenlazar Posted - 01/13/2017 : 6:30:55 PM
Hi, in my experience I find that it depends on the Lender not necessarily the type of loan. Credit Unions usually have less repetitive documents than other Lenders. As for type of loans typically from smallest to largest is conventional, VA then FHA.

As for printing at Staples it will cost you quite a bit. You honestly can get a very basic laser printer for $1-$200.00 these days. I have had to print at Staples & Office Depot at times and definitely eats up alot of the pay. I've spent between $45-60 printing the docs to be signed & borrowers copy.

I would encourage you to try & find a way to purchase an affordable, well reviewed all in one laser printer. You can start with basic & as you begin to make money from signings you can upgrade.
Hope this helps some.

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