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 owner's affidavit

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marauz Posted - 05/28/2013 : 10:04:54 AM
I have an Owner's Affidavit. At the top the state and county are listed which are correct. Below is all the Owner's Affidavit verbiage then at the bottom of the document is the jurat wording. My question is do I have to attach a jurat with the county and state listed together with the jurat wording? Or is it okay that the county and state are at the very top of the document? I hope that makes sense. I have come across this several times and just have attached a new jurat just in case. Never have taken the time to ask.
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BobbiCT Posted - 05/30/2013 : 10:00:39 AM
I believe that you will find most title insurance company affidavits, including those prepared by law firms, (at least the ones I've seen over many years and many states) have the venue at the top of the page with owners' signature and notarization block at the bottom.

Not a legal opinion. Unlike an acknowlegement, because the signer must sign under oath before the notary it makes sense that there is ONE and only one venue on the form - where the signer and notary's feet are planted together at the same time. VIP when a title insurance claim is made as to which state's perjury laws etc. come into play.

Bobbi in CT
middleVT Posted - 05/29/2013 : 5:35:03 PM
It depends on your state. (That is, the state where you are commissioned; it doesn't matter where it is being sent when you're done with it or where the property is). For states that don't have any particular format for a jurat, it's probably fine, depending on exactly what the jurat wording says. But a few states have one exact jurat, including the venue, that you must use

edelske Posted - 05/28/2013 : 5:26:41 PM
It's OK as is.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting

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