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saskianotary Posted - 04/16/2013 : 7:55:18 PM
What are Apostilles? What is involved in notarizing them? Is special training or licensing required?

Light Scribe Mobile Notary: when you have to get it signed!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Franck Woodman Posted - 12/05/2016 : 04:19:00 AM
What are Apostilles?

An "Apostille" is a form of authentication issued for documents that will be used in countries that participate in the Hague Convention of 1961. Apostilles are only used to authenticate documents that will be used in another country. An Apostille may take the form of a stamp upon a document or it may be attached to the document as an allonge (a French word describing an attachment to a legal document). If an allonge is used, it is important that it NEVER be detached from the original document, to which it may be stapled, glued, or otherwise firmly attached.

Who Signs & Seals an Apostille?

Apostilles are signed by a "Competent Authority". Documents issued by a federal office must be apostilled by federal officials, all other documents are apostilled in the state from which they originate.

What is a Competent Authority?

In most US states, the office of the Secretary of that State is designated as a Competent Authority, in others, it is the office of the Lieutenant Governor. In all cases, the Competent Authority is the office able to authenticate the seal of the notary and/or other authentication of the signatures.

What documents must be apostilled by the US Secretary of State?

Federally issued documents include all documents issued and sealed by federal agencies (FBI, FDA, USDA, etc) as well as documents sealed by military notaries or by federal officials. Secretary of State such as California Secretary of State Apostilles documents like Birth, Death, Marriage, etc...

Check out more at http://www.california-apostille.com/
For a complete list of Competent Authorities in the US and abroad, refer to the Hague Convention on Private International Law at www.hcch.net and click on "Authorities".

California Apostille
edelske Posted - 03/11/2016 : 4:11:45 PM
Generally speaking, this type of authentication usually requires additional legalization steps before the document may be presented in the country of destination."

"usually" is wrong. "Rarely" would be more appropriate. The entire designated purpose of the Apostille is to Replace "legalization" by the receiving countries authorities (typically at consulate/embassy).

There are exceptions - China for example requires an Apostille for them to do their legalization.

Worse yet, UAE requires the state issued Apostille to be Federal "certified" prior to their "tax stamp" being affixed.

There are almost two hundred countries, each sets their own rules.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
middleVT Posted - 04/17/2013 : 11:40:26 AM
Step 1: an eligible document must exist. The most common eligible document is one that has been notarized, but others that have been issued by a state official, such as a birth certificate or official record from a court, may also be eligible.

Step 2: (only some states need this) The document is taken or mailed to the county clerk and a certificate is attached showing the notary or other local official really was a local official and his/her signature matches the one on file.

Step 3: The document is taken or mailed to the Secretary of State of the state of the notary or other official who notarized or certified in step 1, and the Secretary of State fills out and attaches the apostille, which will be accepted in certain foreign countries that the notary or other official from step 1 was a bona fide official.

Once the document meets the requirements from step 1, anyone in physical possession of the documents bring or mail the doc to the appropriate offices to complete steps 2 and 3. The county and SOS charges are usually quite modest, but some companies that specialize in expediting the process charge hundreds of dollars.

LindaH Posted - 04/17/2013 : 09:53:47 AM
It's been brought to my attention that I failed to give proper credit for this definition and for that I apologize. Information was found here: http://mobilecaliforniaapostille.com/

Originally posted by saskianotary

What are Apostilles? What is involved in notarizing them? Is special training or licensing required?

Light Scribe Mobile Notary: when you have to get it signed!

Found this with a quick google search:

"The California Apostille (Apostille Stamp) is an authentication issued by the California Secretary of State for non-federal documents, certifying the signature(s) of documents destined for countries belonging the Hague Convention. Only the signature of a California Notary Public and the following California officers and their deputies may be apostilled in the State of California: County Clerk or Recorder, Court Administrator of the Superior Court, Officers whose authority is not limited to any particular county, Executive Clerks of the Superior Court, Executive Officers of the Superior Court. (Apostilles for other states follow similar guidelines. You may call us for additional information.)The California Certification carries the same power and bears the same signature requirements as does the California Apostille but is applicable only to documents destined for a country that does not belong to the Hague Convention. Generally speaking, this type of authentication usually requires additional legalization steps before the document may be presented in the country of destination."

Check your handbook and the website for your SOS - it's spelled out there too.


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