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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kista77 Posted - 03/28/2013 : 2:16:37 PM
Hi Everyone,

I am new to this and was wondering if in the state of MD if you are allowed to go to a refi signing if you are not a licensed title producer.

Thanks so much!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kista77 Posted - 03/29/2013 : 3:56:21 PM
Thanks so much!
LindaH Posted - 03/28/2013 : 3:31:32 PM
You can go to as many as you'd like - but you cannot conduct a real estate closing of any kind (refi, purchase, heloc, reverse, etc etc) without a TPL....from your handbook:

Page 6, # 18
18. May a notary perform official duties at real estate closings or
A notary may not render services which may result in the issuance
of a title insurance contract; such services may only be performed
by a licensed title insurance producer, as defined in Insurance
Article, §10-101(i), Annotated Code of Maryland. According to the
Maryland Insurance Administration, “a notary who merely attends
a real estate closing or settlement that is conducted by another
person or entity and who merely witnesses signatures in
consideration of the statutory fees that a notary is permitted to
charge does not, in the view of the MIA, fall within the scope of
§10-101(i) and is not required to secure a title producer’s license in order to perform such services. However, if the notary is the only individual other than the buyer who is present at the closing and the notary is presenting documents for signature which may result in the issuance of title insurance, collecting escrow funds, or otherwise performing any duty other than the witnessing of a
signature, the notary must also be licensed as a title insurance
producer. Bulletin from MIA to Title Insurers, Property & Casualty
03-18, December 1, 2003.



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