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july1962 Posted - 11/24/2012 : 08:00:06 AM
I recently passed my notary test and am waiting for my certification which should come within the next three weeks. In the meantime, I'm studying the loan signing course.

I gave up my career 10 years ago to care full time for my disabled sister, who passed away in March. I am in dire need of work now, so really need to get my notary career going as quickly as possible. (I do have some other temp jobs I'm doing on the side for now).

I'm VERY interested in getting the loan signing side going. I'd be grateful for your input on the best way to do that. Is it possible to just dive in and contact loan companies, or do I need to start with some signing companies?

Also, I'm looking for some things to add to the business and was thinking of the electronic fingerprinting. Has anyone added this to their business? Any advice?

Any other things that are good to add to a mobile notary business?

Thank you!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dapper Dan Posted - 03/09/2013 : 6:49:26 PM
Mrs Linda this is great advice and i would like you to know i appreciate it very much and believe it will be a huge help to all of us here on 123notary so thanks. I have been following your advice for ALMOST two years now and it has never let me down!. I have a question if you do not mind. On the W-9 it always asks for my EIN (I have an LLC) and it also asks for the Representative of the LLC and/or Corporations Social security number as well. All my clients are title agency owners & realtors that i know personally through my financial advising career so i do not worry about them but now that i am getting signings from big clients like bacserv, first american and Equifax i am filling out a lot of W9's and i believe you have to put your social security number and EIN correct?. Thank you in advance to you Mrs Linda or anyone who can answer my question!

Originally posted by LindaH

First of all, I'm very sorry to hear about your sister..my sympathies to you.

I guess the answer to your questions about getting started depend on your experience and background. You say you gave up your career 10 years ago. What was that career. Do you have any experience or background with mortgages and loan docs? If you do, there's a lot you can do to advertise yourself. If you've never laid eyes on a loan package, the road for you is very different.

So, before I go any further, what is your experience as a notary AND with loan closings/mortgage docs.


Best Regards,

Daniel P. Wurzbacher
Wurzbacher Enterprises LLC, Chief Executive Officer
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/danielwurzbacher/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thewurzbacher

Wurzbacher Enterprises LLC
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"Industry is the soul of business and the keystone to prosperity".
-- Charles Dickens
july1962 Posted - 11/25/2012 : 06:53:36 AM
Thanks Linda, sounds like some good advice.
LindaH Posted - 11/24/2012 : 4:40:34 PM
There is a list of signing companies here that you can refer to to contact and ask them to sign you up. You should also go to Notary Rotary and go through their "Signing Central" list. There's been a lot of work put into that list of companies, with feedback from notaries who have worked with them.

First of all, go to irs.gov and get yourself a FEIN - you never give your social security number when signing up with companies - always use the FEIN, which you'll get as soon as you complete the process at irs.gov online - it takes about 5 minutes.

I'd say contact anyone rated 3.5 stars and up - ask what they require to be added to their database for your area. They'll want a copy of your commission, your E&O, a completed and signed W-9, they'll probably send you a contract to sign (read them carefully so you don't end up shooting yourself in the foot), possibly your driver's license (which I don't send except to the best of companies). Some go so far as to ask for a copy of your automobile insurance, which I, personally, don't give. Remember, you're an independent contractor, not an employee.

This site has generated the most good companies for me. I've gotten a lot of good clients as a result of my listing here. For activity and knowledge, these forums are good as are Notary Rotary's, although it can get brutal in the Discuss Work section. There are a lot of places to list for free, which will probably be more up your alley right off the bat.

Get business cards and a free website webs.com offer that. Study your notary handbook until you know your notary laws cold. Get a good loan certification course so you learn all the docs, all the ins and outs, all the troubleshooting (and you'll do a ton of that!). Study hard.....

And Good Luck.

july1962 Posted - 11/24/2012 : 3:04:29 PM
Thanks Linda.

No, I worked in musical theater production. But, I have purchased and/or refinanced my home several times in the last 10 years and am familiar with those docs. In going through the loan signing class materials, none of it seems particularly difficult or puzzling...I know what all the docs are for.

But since I really don't have a background in this, I suppose that doesn't look great to a loan company. I'm fine with starting at the bottom and working with a loan signing company, but would rather dive right in on my own if it's at all feasible.
LindaH Posted - 11/24/2012 : 2:02:04 PM
First of all, I'm very sorry to hear about your sister..my sympathies to you.

I guess the answer to your questions about getting started depend on your experience and background. You say you gave up your career 10 years ago. What was that career. Do you have any experience or background with mortgages and loan docs? If you do, there's a lot you can do to advertise yourself. If you've never laid eyes on a loan package, the road for you is very different.

So, before I go any further, what is your experience as a notary AND with loan closings/mortgage docs.


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