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 How to become a Signing Company

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Notarykat Posted - 11/08/2009 : 11:01:50 AM
Does anyone know how to start a signing company?

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
edelske Posted - 02/01/2013 : 8:48:54 PM
Originally posted by Notarykat

Does anyone know how to start a signing company?


A Lobotomy would be a good first step.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
MsLisa Posted - 11/16/2012 : 12:33:03 PM
I've been doing this for approximately two years. I did find a time when things were very quiet. I decided to review again, go on-line and I signed up with more agencies. Since then, I've booked more work. It takes time to figure out which companies are good to work for and which ones just want the job done for cheap, cheap, cheap. I've learned, so if I can't get my price, I don't go. I also started working for companies that are more reputable and respect the job of a Notary, therefore, they are willing to pay for the service. Just stick with it and you learn, sometimes the hard way. I found that these forums do help a great deal.

Lisa Cirillo
jgdean Posted - 11/15/2012 : 06:32:23 AM
I've been doing this on and off for over eight years.
Today, I am full time, 24/7...

Over the years, I've seen Newbie Notaries come and go and under bid and do lousy jobs. So, they disapear... but, in some cases, their listings are still lingering...

Also, there's been a rash of new Signing Services popping up asking me to do singings for rediculously low prices. I negotiate something higher, and if they are not flexible, then I let them go.

My work, my time, my reputaion is worth something and I refuse to prostitute myself for say, $50 - 60 for a full package.

Me, I just press on with secure, reliable service and usually get more more work these days.

The first to call in N. Central North Carolina!
n/a Posted - 01/16/2010 : 5:37:30 PM
Originally posted by KanDoNotary

I've had the same issue of a reduction in work due to an influx of notaries advertising services in this area. I know I get a lot more "shopping" calls for other than loan notary work. At one point my husband suggested I might start a signing company. After seeing what some others have dealt with, I told him no way.

So I'm taking all the great advice from Vince and doing more marketing, working on upgrading my website, and generally waiting til the newbies learn that there's more to it than getting their notary commission and seal. Soon they'll realize they have expenses that aren't being covered for the time they put in, and they'll go away again.

Have Seal, Kan Travel!

KanDoNotary Posted - 11/11/2009 : 5:01:33 PM
I've had the same issue of a reduction in work due to an influx of notaries advertising services in this area. I know I get a lot more "shopping" calls for other than loan notary work. At one point my husband suggested I might start a signing company. After seeing what some others have dealt with, I told him no way.

So I'm taking all the great advice from Vince and doing more marketing, working on upgrading my website, and generally waiting til the newbies learn that there's more to it than getting their notary commission and seal. Soon they'll realize they have expenses that aren't being covered for the time they put in, and they'll go away again.

Have Seal, Kan Travel!
vince Posted - 11/10/2009 : 4:16:06 PM
Originally posted by Notarykat

I really need more work. The area I am in has a dozen or so of part-timers or second jobbers and they must out bid me for the closings.

I have listed myself in more than one county, almost never do I have to go back a second time to resign, I get the packages out on time, I don't demand anything, I am polite to the customers. It just doesn't make sense to me that I don't have enough work to make ends meet.


Would it be true that you'd really like to handle more closings personally than having a primary interest in becoming a signing service? Assuming that is true, have you reviewed the information here (and elsewhere) on how to market the services you offer? If you have reviewed it, it may be time to re-review. It is important to stay in touch with companies that are going to use your services, even when times are slow and this business is certainly up and down.

Even if you are still thinking about being a signing service, any company that is going to be successful needs to be able to get the message out on what service is provided, how it is provided, why it is a better alternative than the local competition, what the cost is and so on. Regardless of what your business is, you need a message so that those that need your services will know more about you and are inclined to want to do business with you.

The first person that needs to be convinced that you are the best alternative is you. Figure out why that is true. If it isn’t true, consider working for someone else and enjoy the security of a paycheck and benefits. Well, that’s an opinion anyway.
kandy1099 Posted - 11/10/2009 : 07:12:15 AM
I found that taking the last minute appointments, late nite appointments and weekend appointments help boost my reputaion, it helps to help out a company when they are in need, and it gives you an opportunity to charge a little above your norm, because of the above and beyond you are performing for them.
I worked for a title company for 5 years in the closing department and know what they are going through when they call me begging me to take something for a hour from now two hours away from me.
I considered become a local signing company, but like other people have said here, it takes alot of money to stay on top of things and depend on other unknown notaries to do the work under your reputation.

Notarykat Posted - 11/10/2009 : 06:52:54 AM
I really need more work. The area I am in has a dozen or so of part-timers or second jobbers and they must out bid me for the closings.

I have listed myself in more than one county, almost never do I have to go back a second time to resign, I get the packages out on time, I don't demand anything, I am polite to the customers. It just doesn't make sense to me that I don't have enough work to make ends meet.

vince Posted - 11/09/2009 : 5:57:52 PM
Originally posted by Notarykat

Does anyone know how to start a signing company?


It would be interesting to know your business objectives on establishing a signing service. Do you envision this being started as a local regional or national enterprise? Many that seem to have come and gone entered the business with the idea of capturing many of the title companies with a "better service for less money objective." They would like to pay a pay a seasoned notary $50 to $95 for e-docs and collect $105 to $150 from the title company. So far, we've seen many have dried up as some of the notaries that worked for the lower fee levels did not perform up to expectations and the signing service was held accountable for re-dos, errors and delayed funding fees. Then to, a loan would not fund for whatever reason and not all the title companies want to pay for the service performed.

Just curious as to how much thought you've given this idea so far. Perhaps you have an outline of your business plan and would like to run some of your ideas by prospective notaries. What do you think?
CopperheadVA Posted - 11/09/2009 : 04:23:15 AM
You have to have access to a lot of capital because you still owe the notaries timely payment regardless of when - or if - the title company pays you. Even really good signing agents have burned their notary community bridges by starting a signing service that went belly-up. Anyone remember NDWA who ran 1st Courtesy Signers Network????


Lisa T. Posted - 11/08/2009 : 11:32:37 AM
You should start any venture with a business plan. The following link is your best start, IMHO:


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