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 collecting fees

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
n/a Posted - 09/29/2009 : 08:08:54 AM
Is there a collection agency that would collect unpaid fees on a Cal. firm?
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Henry Posted - 02/06/2013 : 2:08:25 PM
I am trying to e-mail you with the below address about my problem with Final Link Signings and now named as "Home Signings". They owe me approx. $4000.00 from my past signing in 2012. My e mail address is HKRNAYYAR AT YAHOO DOT COM. I WILL WAIT FOR YOUR REPLY.

Originally posted by angelk1969

They owe me over $2,300 and I have NOT ben paid. I paid my notries

Originally posted by gfonti

After I posted the message below I looked up the DBA and found the two owners names. I sent them a fax and email demanding payment or I would sue them in Small Claims court in San Mateo County where I live. The next day i got a call from Tarek offering to pay me via Pay Pal. I took the payment and they are still on my list of companies never to work for.

Originally posted by gfonti

Originally posted by gfonti

I did a signing for them Nov 2, 2011. as of today I still have not gotten paid. after the signing I forwarded all the required docs and invoice and when I followed up Monday I was told I never submitted my invoice which was a lie.
I have since send all the docs and invoice again and now waiting to get paid.
In the future I will go to the NNA signing section and check out companies I have not worked for before and WILL NOT WORK FOR a company that takes more than 30 days to pay.

Originally posted by gfonti

Originally posted by 16608

Originally posted by larrywathne

I finally just got paid for a closing in November! I made at least 20 call, I was always told someone would call me back, no one ever did. I was told to call at specific times of day to talk to "Mark" who was in charge of paying. I was lied to on countless calls about the "check will be in the mail on....." I finally asked for the name of the person above "Mark" and was told "Maven". I called last week asking for "Maven", Mark came on the phone and said the check had been cut and was in the mail. Recieved it today 9 days after they said they sent it.

I would never do another signing for this company! Liars and very slow pay! Just my 2 cents worth.

We are a group of notaries fed up with these companies not paying us. We have formed Notaries United. We have been able to collect 99% of the outstanding invoices we have gone after, and in about 24 hours of making contact with the signing company. If you would like us to help you, contact us at notaries.united@onebox.com We do not charge for our service. We are very busy and should get back with you within 10 hours. Hope this helps.


George Fonti

George Fonti

George Fonti

George Fonti

Angels Mobile Notary
sandiegocountynotary Posted - 12/06/2012 : 6:31:15 PM
***Urgent: Anyone that is owed money from Final Link or Home Signings, please contact me at notarysd1@gmail(dot)com . Let me know how much you are owed as well. There is a Detective that is on this case and the more people we are, the stonger the case and the faster we get these people. I can give you more info once you email me if you like. Thank you.
jrobert789 Posted - 10/24/2012 : 07:12:51 AM
Originally posted by n/a

Is there a collection agency that would collect unpaid fees on a Cal. firm?

hey there. I have used the services of Rumson, Bolling & Associates once and the guys are good. try them out once.

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angelk1969 Posted - 10/14/2012 : 10:40:57 PM
They owe me over $2,300 and I have NOT ben paid. I paid my notries

Originally posted by gfonti

After I posted the message below I looked up the DBA and found the two owners names. I sent them a fax and email demanding payment or I would sue them in Small Claims court in San Mateo County where I live. The next day i got a call from Tarek offering to pay me via Pay Pal. I took the payment and they are still on my list of companies never to work for.

Originally posted by gfonti

Originally posted by gfonti

I did a signing for them Nov 2, 2011. as of today I still have not gotten paid. after the signing I forwarded all the required docs and invoice and when I followed up Monday I was told I never submitted my invoice which was a lie.
I have since send all the docs and invoice again and now waiting to get paid.
In the future I will go to the NNA signing section and check out companies I have not worked for before and WILL NOT WORK FOR a company that takes more than 30 days to pay.

Originally posted by gfonti

Originally posted by 16608

Originally posted by larrywathne

I finally just got paid for a closing in November! I made at least 20 call, I was always told someone would call me back, no one ever did. I was told to call at specific times of day to talk to "Mark" who was in charge of paying. I was lied to on countless calls about the "check will be in the mail on....." I finally asked for the name of the person above "Mark" and was told "Maven". I called last week asking for "Maven", Mark came on the phone and said the check had been cut and was in the mail. Recieved it today 9 days after they said they sent it.

I would never do another signing for this company! Liars and very slow pay! Just my 2 cents worth.

We are a group of notaries fed up with these companies not paying us. We have formed Notaries United. We have been able to collect 99% of the outstanding invoices we have gone after, and in about 24 hours of making contact with the signing company. If you would like us to help you, contact us at notaries.united@onebox.com We do not charge for our service. We are very busy and should get back with you within 10 hours. Hope this helps.


George Fonti

George Fonti

George Fonti

George Fonti

Angels Mobile Notary
gfonti Posted - 05/06/2012 : 9:16:54 PM

After I posted the message below I looked up the DBA and found the two owners names. I sent them a fax and email demanding payment or I would sue them in Small Claims court in San Mateo County where I live. The next day i got a call from Tarek offering to pay me via Pay Pal. I took the payment and they are still on my list of companies never to work for.

Originally posted by gfonti

Originally posted by gfonti

I did a signing for them Nov 2, 2011. as of today I still have not gotten paid. after the signing I forwarded all the required docs and invoice and when I followed up Monday I was told I never submitted my invoice which was a lie.
I have since send all the docs and invoice again and now waiting to get paid.
In the future I will go to the NNA signing section and check out companies I have not worked for before and WILL NOT WORK FOR a company that takes more than 30 days to pay.

Originally posted by gfonti

Originally posted by 16608

Originally posted by larrywathne

I finally just got paid for a closing in November! I made at least 20 call, I was always told someone would call me back, no one ever did. I was told to call at specific times of day to talk to "Mark" who was in charge of paying. I was lied to on countless calls about the "check will be in the mail on....." I finally asked for the name of the person above "Mark" and was told "Maven". I called last week asking for "Maven", Mark came on the phone and said the check had been cut and was in the mail. Recieved it today 9 days after they said they sent it.

I would never do another signing for this company! Liars and very slow pay! Just my 2 cents worth.

We are a group of notaries fed up with these companies not paying us. We have formed Notaries United. We have been able to collect 99% of the outstanding invoices we have gone after, and in about 24 hours of making contact with the signing company. If you would like us to help you, contact us at notaries.united@onebox.com We do not charge for our service. We are very busy and should get back with you within 10 hours. Hope this helps.


George Fonti

George Fonti

George Fonti

George Fonti
gfonti Posted - 05/06/2012 : 9:14:18 PM
Originally posted by gfonti

I did a signing for them Nov 2, 2011. as of today I still have not gotten paid. after the signing I forwarded all the required docs and invoice and when I followed up Monday I was told I never submitted my invoice which was a lie.
I have since send all the docs and invoice again and now waiting to get paid.
In the future I will go to the NNA signing section and check out companies I have not worked for before and WILL NOT WORK FOR a company that takes more than 30 days to pay.

Originally posted by gfonti

Originally posted by 16608

Originally posted by larrywathne

I finally just got paid for a closing in November! I made at least 20 call, I was always told someone would call me back, no one ever did. I was told to call at specific times of day to talk to "Mark" who was in charge of paying. I was lied to on countless calls about the "check will be in the mail on....." I finally asked for the name of the person above "Mark" and was told "Maven". I called last week asking for "Maven", Mark came on the phone and said the check had been cut and was in the mail. Recieved it today 9 days after they said they sent it.

I would never do another signing for this company! Liars and very slow pay! Just my 2 cents worth.

We are a group of notaries fed up with these companies not paying us. We have formed Notaries United. We have been able to collect 99% of the outstanding invoices we have gone after, and in about 24 hours of making contact with the signing company. If you would like us to help you, contact us at notaries.united@onebox.com We do not charge for our service. We are very busy and should get back with you within 10 hours. Hope this helps.


George Fonti

George Fonti

George Fonti
gfonti Posted - 03/06/2012 : 7:26:29 PM
I did a signing for them Nov 2, 2011. as of today I still have not gotten paid. after the signing I forwarded all the required docs and invoice and when I followed up Monday I was told I never submitted my invoice which was a lie.
I have since send all the docs and invoice again and now waiting to get paid.
In the future I will go to the NNA signing section and check out companies I have not worked for before and WILL NOT WORK FOR a company that takes more than 30 days to pay.

Originally posted by gfonti

Originally posted by 16608

Originally posted by larrywathne

I finally just got paid for a closing in November! I made at least 20 call, I was always told someone would call me back, no one ever did. I was told to call at specific times of day to talk to "Mark" who was in charge of paying. I was lied to on countless calls about the "check will be in the mail on....." I finally asked for the name of the person above "Mark" and was told "Maven". I called last week asking for "Maven", Mark came on the phone and said the check had been cut and was in the mail. Recieved it today 9 days after they said they sent it.

I would never do another signing for this company! Liars and very slow pay! Just my 2 cents worth.

We are a group of notaries fed up with these companies not paying us. We have formed Notaries United. We have been able to collect 99% of the outstanding invoices we have gone after, and in about 24 hours of making contact with the signing company. If you would like us to help you, contact us at notaries.united@onebox.com We do not charge for our service. We are very busy and should get back with you within 10 hours. Hope this helps.


George Fonti

George Fonti
gfonti Posted - 03/06/2012 : 7:23:01 PM
Originally posted by 16608

Originally posted by larrywathne

I finally just got paid for a closing in November! I made at least 20 call, I was always told someone would call me back, no one ever did. I was told to call at specific times of day to talk to "Mark" who was in charge of paying. I was lied to on countless calls about the "check will be in the mail on....." I finally asked for the name of the person above "Mark" and was told "Maven". I called last week asking for "Maven", Mark came on the phone and said the check had been cut and was in the mail. Recieved it today 9 days after they said they sent it.

I would never do another signing for this company! Liars and very slow pay! Just my 2 cents worth.

We are a group of notaries fed up with these companies not paying us. We have formed Notaries United. We have been able to collect 99% of the outstanding invoices we have gone after, and in about 24 hours of making contact with the signing company. If you would like us to help you, contact us at notaries.united@onebox.com We do not charge for our service. We are very busy and should get back with you within 10 hours. Hope this helps.


George Fonti
16608 Posted - 12/02/2010 : 1:12:50 PM
Originally posted by larrywathne

I finally just got paid for a closing in November! I made at least 20 call, I was always told someone would call me back, no one ever did. I was told to call at specific times of day to talk to "Mark" who was in charge of paying. I was lied to on countless calls about the "check will be in the mail on....." I finally asked for the name of the person above "Mark" and was told "Maven". I called last week asking for "Maven", Mark came on the phone and said the check had been cut and was in the mail. Recieved it today 9 days after they said they sent it.

I would never do another signing for this company! Liars and very slow pay! Just my 2 cents worth.

[/quote]We are a group of notaries fed up with these companies not paying us. We have formed Notaries United. We have been able to collect 99% of the outstanding invoices we have gone after, and in about 24 hours of making contact with the signing company. If you would like us to help you, contact us at notaries.united@onebox.com We do not charge for our service. We are very busy and should get back with you within 10 hours. Hope this helps.

crtowles Posted - 07/15/2010 : 4:59:42 PM
Use the collection letter as a last resort. It works.


larrywathne Posted - 02/23/2010 : 2:40:23 PM
I finally just got paid for a closing in November! I made at least 20 call, I was always told someone would call me back, no one ever did. I was told to call at specific times of day to talk to "Mark" who was in charge of paying. I was lied to on countless calls about the "check will be in the mail on....." I finally asked for the name of the person above "Mark" and was told "Maven". I called last week asking for "Maven", Mark came on the phone and said the check had been cut and was in the mail. Recieved it today 9 days after they said they sent it.

I would never do another signing for this company! Liars and very slow pay! Just my 2 cents worth.
rwedertz Posted - 02/06/2010 : 12:04:42 AM
The "company" was located in Cypress, CA (next to Buena Park).
They moved to Garden Grove, CA.

Final Link Signings
12062 Valley View Street - Ste # 231
Garden Grove, CA 92845
Fax: 562-741-4651

Good luck.

n/a Posted - 09/29/2009 : 1:22:29 PM
Firm is Final Links Signing.
Lisa T. Posted - 09/29/2009 : 10:55:41 AM
Which California firm is this? Sharing that info would save other Notaries from being stiffed by this company. In addition to the name, include their location - for example: ABC company, Los Angeles, CA. The more info you can provide, the more it helps differentiate the no-pay company from a 5 star company with the same name: There could be another ABC Company in a different state that is a 5 star company and we wouldn't want to miss working for them based on comments about a deadbeat company.

There is a collection letter on this forum. It is very effective and many people have had success using it as a template.

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