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T O P I C    R E V I E W
n/a Posted - 10/21/2008 : 6:47:35 PM

I am new to the Notary business, Do you know if I am required to have my commission # or bonding and insurance # on my business cards, I am in CA. and I need to get my cards made up, but I am not sure I have seen some with it on, and some with out it. Please Help.


6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
edelske Posted - 03/09/2013 : 8:30:53 PM
I would not. Doctors don't, Lawyers don't.

I use VistaPrint for my cards, I order the maximum, I think it's 5000 with the slowest processing / delivery. It's good to hand out several at a time - very inexpensive form of advertising.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
Dapper Dan Posted - 03/09/2013 : 7:00:56 PM
This is a tough decision. I was reading this and was like "Doh! why did i not think of putting my commission/license number on my card". I like the example about the contractor number that is very true because when i see that on their truck and/or business card it has a very positive and reassuring perception to it and builds instant credibility. Although, now i am considering about the identity theft deal. what to do, what to do!

Best Regards,

Daniel P. Wurzbacher
Wurzbacher Enterprises LLC, Chief Executive Officer
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/danielwurzbacher/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thewurzbacher

Wurzbacher Enterprises LLC
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"Industry is the soul of business and the keystone to prosperity".
-- Charles Dickens
Lee-AR Posted - 11/05/2008 : 10:31:43 AM
INHO, while it does lend a certain amount of 'authenticity' to your card, it also gives anyone enough info to do bad things. Not that I think it's very likely that anyone would bother, but it's THE reason that many states stopped using your SS# as your DL#. Made identify theft pretty easy. Think about it.

Lisa T. Posted - 11/04/2008 : 4:51:41 PM
I do not put my commission # on my business cards as I do not see a need for a casual observer (non-client) to have it. I network a lot and hand out many business cards. It is up to you.
joanbergst Posted - 10/30/2008 : 9:23:50 PM
It's a good idea to put your notary commission number on your business card, because many people (public notary work) feel more comfortable, as we do when we see a business license on a contractor's truck.

It's not required, not is the bond issued number.

Joan Bergstrom
24/7 To Riverside & San Bernardino Counties.
State Notary exam teacher for www.notaryclasses.com
Cell: 951-522-4919
Shannon Posted - 10/28/2008 : 11:43:14 AM
You may wish to refer to the CA Notary Handbook...

To my knowledge, (not advice) a business card is an item created by you to promote your business and should contain whatever information you feel others need. The Handbook may tell you what "NOT" to say...

Best wishes!

"A Quick Note"
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