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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jbelmont Posted - 12/29/2010 : 5:20:00 PM
Per the request of our mentors, we request that those who wish to put in their two cents worth treat the beginners with the ultimate of respect. Please do not say anything disrespectful, mean, insulting, or inconsiderate. If we find anyone's response to be rude, we will strongly consider removing such a profile from our forum. Just remember, that you once were a beginner yourself!

Responses to posts in this section must ONLY be ones that answer the original question, and not ones that go on tangents, etc. The purpose here is ONLY to answer newcomers' questions. Thanks!

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
johnysam Posted - 09/10/2013 : 9:23:33 PM
Forums are considered a discussion corner. Anybody can become a forum member and take a topic and discuss about any issue.
servicio Posted - 09/24/2012 : 6:40:31 PM
Well that was the first time a post ever went through for me! I really was expecting to get rejected again. But I am going to stay and roam around for awhile. Let's see what I can get into....mmmmmm

Notaries Galor
Servicio Int'l
Diedra.holley Posted - 09/24/2012 : 5:42:14 PM
Well, you posted here, so you're logged in for sure. What else are you having an issue with? perhaps we can help. When I login to the site, I am automatically logged into the forum. Are you talking about the forum boxes or the main login boxes?


Originally posted by servicio

I am confused a lot of the time... that said this site does not help me and I tried to join several years ago and it would not even let me request a login. Lots of folders and Why is my login and password always in the box. I know I can authorize my computer to remember me but not like that. I never know how to join in and negotiate the site so I just leave. Everything seems to be cluttered and I get frustrated.

Notaries Galor
Servicio Int'l

Signing Agent
Single mother
servicio Posted - 09/24/2012 : 5:29:30 PM
I am confused a lot of the time... that said this site does not help me and I tried to join several years ago and it would not even let me request a login. Lots of folders and Why is my login and password always in the box. I know I can authorize my computer to remember me but not like that. I never know how to join in and negotiate the site so I just leave. Everything seems to be cluttered and I get frustrated.

Notaries Galor
Servicio Int'l
Diedra.holley Posted - 05/22/2012 : 3:34:24 PM
I am a newbie and I actually have a question or two. I have seen other postings but none have answered the questions.

Fingerprinting: I know a TX notary cannot do this (other than the print in their journal)in their notary capacity, but it is something I would like to do separately. How do I get started on something like this, either LiveScan or ink prints.

Site Inspections: I just added site inspections to my list of services, is there anything I need to know about this before I go much further?

Officiate weddings: Texas Notaries, in their notary capactity, are not authorized to officiate weddings. I, however, have been ordained for years and this is a service I would like to add to my list. Can anyone perhaps tell me what paperwork I am looking at doing as the officiant of a wedding?

Thanks in advance.


Call me first and consider it done...
edelske Posted - 11/15/2011 : 08:31:58 AM
Lets all keep in mind that the Forum is an open to all - free service. I went on an "Answers to your questions" site when I needed to know something about my car. After posting my question; I was asked for my credit card info to pay the person who will answer!

Your post was not viewed as "crabby" - without feedback from participants at all skill levels; Jeremy would not know where to focus his attention. We value your opinion and hope to hear more from you.

Kenneth A Edelstein
Mobile Notary, Apostille / Legalization Processing & Fingerprinting
windycitynotary Posted - 09/28/2011 : 11:44:10 AM
Yes I imagine it's because people are lazy and don't want to search for the proper place to add their post, sure, but maybe some threads could be merged? Probably a pain in the butt to do that too!
Originally posted by LindaH

Originally posted by windycitynotary

I hear what you're saying Jeremy and that makes sense, maybe it could be more basic in the NEWBIE section? Maybe my comment was more with a view as to why new people don't use the forum(?)This is a difficult, dodgy business to learn. However, my comments about tons of threads on the same topic, postings in the wrong threads, and just the enormity of the forum stand I think. Anyway, thanks for the reply.

I can agree with what you say about multiple threads on one subject, but you can't lay that on Jeremy. Unfortunately, that's a result of people just posting "off the cuff" so to speak without searching first for the subject of their post and adding to existing threads.

I, personally, have not had problems navigating this site, especially after Jeremy introduced the "active topics" link. It's all pretty simple, IMO.

Stick with it - it will be worth your while..:)


LindaH Posted - 09/27/2011 : 3:46:46 PM
Originally posted by windycitynotary

I hear what you're saying Jeremy and that makes sense, maybe it could be more basic in the NEWBIE section? Maybe my comment was more with a view as to why new people don't use the forum(?)This is a difficult, dodgy business to learn. However, my comments about tons of threads on the same topic, postings in the wrong threads, and just the enormity of the forum stand I think. Anyway, thanks for the reply.

I can agree with what you say about multiple threads on one subject, but you can't lay that on Jeremy. Unfortunately, that's a result of people just posting "off the cuff" so to speak without searching first for the subject of their post and adding to existing threads.

I, personally, have not had problems navigating this site, especially after Jeremy introduced the "active topics" link. It's all pretty simple, IMO.

Stick with it - it will be worth your while..:)

windycitynotary Posted - 09/27/2011 : 2:07:27 PM
I hear what you're saying Jeremy and that makes sense, maybe it could be more basic in the NEWBIE section? Maybe my comment was more with a view as to why new people don't use the forum(?)This is a difficult, dodgy business to learn. However, my comments about tons of threads on the same topic, postings in the wrong threads, and just the enormity of the forum stand I think. Anyway, thanks for the reply.
jbelmont Posted - 09/27/2011 : 1:58:46 PM
Hi Windy City Notary,
Our forum is a little strange at first. There are many features and filters. Newbies post very little here, although I think it would be good if they posted more and if the more experienced people would answer their questions.

The seasoned members on this site discuss signing companies and also interesting notary topics. If you do this job full time for many years, you may eventually experience many of the more "obscure" topics that are discussed here. Also, if notaries discussed every day issues, it would be boring. The point here, is to have new and exciting topics for discussion which need to have something unusual about them.

To start out with, taking a loan signing course will teach you the basics, and reading what other notaries have to say will give you some street knowledge. You will NOT learn the basics on a forum. This is for comparing experiences and points of view for the most part.

windycitynotary Posted - 09/27/2011 : 1:47:32 PM
Jeremy I am a newbie and find the entire forum pretty hard to use, it's really bloated and convoluted with tons of duplicate threads (for instance, I look up "Nations Direct" and there are like 6 different headlines with all kind of old posts) and there seem to be like 100 categories etc. Also, it seems like the "old pros" do a lot of talking to each other personally and are having conversations on very specific topics that I have doubts I'll ever encounter in the rather general signing agent stuff I am doing and want to do. I do refis, short sales, structured settlements, and that seems to be all that I get calls for. A little attorney work with estate docs. I would LOVE to be able to open this forum and have 10 categories like FEES, COMPANY REVIEWS, LAWS, QUESTIONS, NEWS, GRIPES, and whatnot and be able to have conversations in really clearly titled and defined threads. The tangents are unhelpful. Sorry to be so crabby but as a new signing agent in a very dodgy business, I have had to really light my brain on fire to get going in it, and have learned some serious lessons really, really fast lol.....
jbelmont Posted - 09/26/2011 : 1:58:05 PM
I am sad to say that few newbies ever ask questions on this forum. There are many seasoned notaries who come here who can answer the questions. The unfortunate part is that our most experienced notaries only visit when they visit, so you might have to wait for a good answer.

dfye@mcttelecom.com Posted - 09/20/2011 : 08:18:29 AM
Thank you for posting this thread. Every Notary on this board must remember what it was like for them when they first began their endeavor. I remember my first signing on Christmas day 15 years ago and was on eggshells the entire time.

Unfortunately, back then I did not have anywhere to go if I had questions and their was no one to teach me the ins and outs of the business. Even though I knew what the documents were I was petrified that I would botch the signing; however, everything went perfect.

Newbies are just as eager as those more experienced. Thanks to Jeremy seasoned Notaries have a terrific opportunity to see to it that baby Notaries learn the ropes properly and get the best information possible to advance to the next level. Being rude or insubordinate is unprofessional. You certainly would not treat the borrowers badly. Professionalism is of the utmost importance and that includes everyone in your group from lenders, borrowers, and other Notaries. After all, you got to where you are so give someone else a chance. You may not be Notarizing documents forever as I have since discovered. Someone needs to do this job.

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